
Chapter 330

was having intense sex.

"What the fuck!"

"Oh my God!" The lady shrieked and covered herself with the bedsheet, dragging it away from the man's body, Pero blushed in embarrassment, he retreated shutting the door loudly.

The bad premonition intensified, he became agitated concerning Tonia's whereabouts, his obsession drive him to the edge, he kicked the door, and if slammed on the floor, after disconnecting from it hedges.

The two couples watched the man troubling them with disdain, Pero ignored their hostile look, and strode casually towards the man, only putting on brief.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Security, security" he yelled at the top of his voice, Pero grabbed him by his neck, and lifted his feet from the floor, with just a hand.

"Where is Tonia?" He asked, the man became confused, he panicked.

"What do you mean by Tonia? I don't know who you are talking about" he lamented and tried to wiggle himself from the strangulation.

"She is the owner of this house, where is Tonia?" He asked once again, and tightened his grip on the man's neck, the lady screamed and ran out in fright.

The man began gasping for breath "I don't know who is Tonia, I bought the house from an agent, and I don't even know the former owner" he lamented, restlessly.

Pero let him go and he slumped on the floor, gasping for air, Pero faced him squarely, his hair stood and his back was covered in a cold sweat, fear surged in his heart, as he saw the intruder as someone who is here to end his life.

"Where is the agent?" Pero questioned, the man quickly write down the address of the office and gave it away, pero glanced at him before walking away with long strides, before the securities and cops could arrive, he had exited the house through scaling of the fence.

He walked in the dark for some minutes, he brought out his phone and sent a message.

"I need a car"

Those were his words in the text message, while walking towards the address, he remembered the past when he was considered a god.

Tonia came back from school, she became reserved self, she looked pitiful, Pero's heart twitched painfully, he couldn't bear to see his daughter in such a delicate mood.

He came forward to get close to her, the kid shifted away in fright, Pero's face darkened "you now stay away from daddy so that he won't touch it Tonia" he said 

Tonia became agitated "no, daddy, I want daddy to touch Tonia, but Tonia is very afraid, very afraid," she said, Pero"s face hardened.

"Why are you scared of, Daddy?" He asked, secretly plotting to deal with those middlers, Pero opened her mouth and explained.

"Everyone in school is calling you terrorists, did you kill some people, nobody likes me in my school, I just have a friend who left me after discovering you are my dad" 

Fuck that school!