
Chapter 306

and singly destroyed properties.

A call came in "what is the development?" A voice came from the other end.

"Everything has been burnt, I think the attack is coordinated, the men weren't killed," the senior officer said into the receiver.

For some time no response came from the other end "evacuate all of them, and destroy anything incriminating evidence before the press gets wind of it" the voice from the other end ordered.

"Yes, Boss" the senior affirmed his loyalty, he hang up the call, and surveyed the area, nothing was incriminating at all.

Jasper hardened his face, as the lady came closer "Oh, who do we have here? Dear, Maya, oh my God!" She exclaimed dramatically.

A grin appeared on her face "I never thought you will have such a handsome boyfriend, come to think of it, did you rent him so that you could be able to show face here?" She taunted, and the people behind her laughed.

Jasper's body stiffened, he glanced at Maya with a dissatisfied smile, Maya chuckled while seeing his facial expression.

"It is a shame, that your hired boyfriend isn't competent like my boyfriend," she said and rubbed the young man standing by her side tenderly.

When she saw that Maya wasn't making any effort to retort, she became smugger "I won't be hard on you, Maya, do you know he came out first class when he graduated from the university, and now, he is working with Jing's group, his father has his own company, that he is nursing, very soon, it will be good enough for him to take over"

"I know you will be disheartened from too much good news coming from me" she made a sad face and continued "you don't have to force yourself to compete with me" she gloated.

Maya rolled her eyes and started laughing like someone who had heard a huge joke, everyone turned to Maya with a concerned look.

"Has she gone insane?"

"What is making her laugh?"

"She has finally lost to Xiao"

The people in the gathering started making insensitive comments, Maya rolled her eyes.

"Xiao, I don't have to continue fighting who is the better, it ends in high school, and now, I am way better than you, why should I belittle myself to argue with you, and you..."

She pointed at the man standing by the side of Xiao, whose face have became ugly because of being scolded by Maya, the man standing beside Maya's face darkened.

"You can't recognize your boss, you must be a lowly employed staff, that is why no wonder you roam around with uncouth girl" she reprimanded.

The man's face flushed in embarrassment, Xiao became flustered, he tried to speak but she didn't what to say.

"Of course, shameless people move with shameless people, both of you should just get lost already, I am done talking with you two" Maya dismissed them angrily.

"So, he is just a low staff in Jing"

"One of the managers