
Chapter 243

shopping mall was alerted, and they all came over.

The man with a scar on his face kept wailing, Sylvester took Alexander away, Alexander looked back and saw the man with scarface pointing at them.

"Move faster!" Alexander mumbled.

She grabbed Sylvester's hand and walked faster, the security men, lifted their heads and saw the people running away.

"Stop them!"

The chief security roared, at the exit, the security guard blocked the way.

"Let us out" Sylvester sneered.

"No, you ca..."

His voice slurred the moment a kick landed on his chest.


He flee backward, his body crashing on the glass door, Alexander watched motionlessly, as a kick sent the security man five metres away, sprawled on the floor.

Sylvester carried Alexander, she placed her arm around his shoulder, and watched his handsome face intently, he put her in the car, he ignited the car and drove off.

From distance, a police siren could be heard, commotion surged in the street.

"Close your eyes"

Sylvester whispered to her, she hesitated before doing so, minutes later.

She saw herself sitting in an eatery, a waitress with a smiling face standing before her.

"What do you want to have, miss?" She inquired with a professional smile, Alexander looked around, suddenly, he heard Sylvester coughing lightly.

"Just bring what I have ordered earlier" he commented, the waitress nodded, and retreated.

Alexander was still confused about everything when she inquired about it.

"You slept off" Sylvester lied with a straight face.

After they had their meal, they went to interesting places, at dusk, Sylvester bought tickets for movies.

"I should go get the popcorn," he said and turned around to walk away.

Alexander stared blankly at him, she held a cone of ice cream in her hand.

"You think you can run away with that stinky boy," a voice said behind her, startling her.

She turned around alarmed, before she could run away, two of the man with scarface, stepped forward and grabbed her tightly.

The man with the scar laughed boisterously the moment the situation is under his control, those who were closeby, ran away, when they saw the bunch of hooligans, coming to make trouble.

Sylvester picked the sound of the fight and went in that direction.

"Let her go" he roared.

But the man with scarface started laughing and his underlines, joined in mocking him.

"You will stop laughing soon" he snorted, and stepped forward, the hoodlums with knives, and batons, charged forward to fight him.

He moved very fast, anywhere he goes, hoodlums fall on their back, wailing, some were kicked to a distance, he killed some directly.

Alexander looked at the fighting scene with wide eyes, the man with scarface became nervous, when he saw that his plans were failing.

He stepped backwards when he saw that his men were all sprawled on the floor in a pathetic position, he turned around and ran away.

He stood transfixed when he saw the person he was running from stood before