
Chapter 241

hung up the call grinning sheepishly.

At the other end, Linda heard the beeping sound from her phone, she felt infuriated.


She cursed and clenched her fist tightly, gritting her teeth, her face ugly, Chloe rolled her eyes, wondering if her friend has gone insane.

"I wouldn't have lost Jo if that bitch didn't come into his life, and mess up everything" she blamed Arial.

Chloe shrugged without commenting, Linda's eyes sparkled, she thought of something, a sly smile crept on her face.

Jeane was very excited, today was said to be special, lover's day, popularly known as valentine's day.

She scrolled through her phone and ordered an exquisite wristwatch and necklace, with a smile, she grabbed her schoolbag and stepped out.

Jeame leaned on the wall, waiting for her to emerge.

"Let's go," she said with a carefree spirit, grabbed his hand, and departed from the house.

Old man Bill saw the two of them leaving the house, he turned to his butler, who looked away, coughing lightly.

"Aham, I will go and get the things ready" he spoke very fast and escaped quickly before he will be entangled.

Jo drove out of the house, with Jeane talking excitedly at the front seat.

A car was parked along the tarred road, a man sat up wearing a hat at the back seat.

The driver glanced at the rearview.

"Hey, man, why are you not out, you said I should bring you here, damn niggar!" he said, gritting his teeth.

Go to hell!

He cursed the stranger passenger he had picked.


The man sitting behind ordered.

"Damn niggar!" The driver reacted, ignited the car, and trailed the car, driving away.

Jeame had a bad premonition, and noticed the car, following behind, he sneered and increased the speed of the car.

"yeeaah!" Jeane exclaimed in excitement, ignorant of what is going on.

"Pursue the car" the man at the back seat ordered, the driver gritted his teeth, looking at the figure behind him, from the rearview, he sighed in resignation and sped towards the car.

Mr Sea and his underlines emerged from the airport, accompanied by a fat man, with a bald head, their luggage was all taken away from them.

"We can settle this, corporate..." Before he could finish his statement, cars pulled over, and men in suits emerged from the cars with guns.

"Fuck!" Sea cursed, he realize it wasn't the government agencies pulling the strings, but an individual.

"We are here to greet a friend, there won't be any blood if you all corporate" the man who was leading them away, earlier said.

Mr Sea's men watched helplessly as he was taken away, by the armed men.

His bodyguards watched helplessly, as he was taken away.

Jeame pulled over at the school parking lot and looked around searchingly, but the car that was trailing them was no longer in sight.

Suddenly, his eyes squinted at a delivery boy with the package, approaching the car, he turned to