
Chapter 225

 garden, dissatisfied, he picked his phone, and decided to call Chin, his friend.

Jeame grasped Oliver's werewolf form, and flung it towards the wall, his beast like body, slammed on the wall, before, it both feet could touch the floor.

Jeame wolf form leaped at him, and plunged him on the roof of the building, crashing, most of the building.

He plugged his arm into his chest, pulling out his heart, Oliver giant werewolf form, shape-shifted to himself.

Blood oozing from his mouth, and a big hole appeared on his chest.


A cop shouted, as they marched into the room, Jeame werewolf form darted towards the window.




They shot at him, as he leaped through the window, shattering the glass.

One of the cops scanned the environment, and saw the lying dead man on the floor, his heart on the flower.

“Damn!” he slammed.

“Somebody help me!” they heard a voice calling out to them.

Jeane and Sam, with Bella, came in when Jack stepped in and saw the bloody scene before him.

“Holy gram, that is a lot of… dammit! What the fuck just happened here…”

“Someone help me!”

Jack heard the voice, and quickly ran towards the direction, he got to a part of the house, and saw Lucy behind the bars.

“Jack.” she called his name.

He ran towards the gate, but it was locked, Lucy held his face tenderly.

“I will get you out of here, just hold on” he said, Lucy nodded, with tears streaming down her eyes.

Jack ran towards an axe, kept in a corner of the wall, he grabbed it, and ran towards the lock.

He hit it on the lock, and broke it.

The gate bar gave way, Lucy came out, and the both of them embraced.

They kissed warmly, “how did you know I am here?” she asked.

Jack didn't know how to explain that “quick, let's get out of here” she suggested, and held his hand, the both of them came out, Lucy saw the cops, and Jeane with Sam, Bella was also standing with them.

She exhaled in relief.

“Sir, we find him outside” a naked man with handcuffs was brought to the crime scene.

“Can you wear him something” the sheriff proposed, the girls were giggling, the man stood before them aloof, and detached.

Chin rolled on the floor, escaping the fireball, but more kept on coming, he got hit, and he fell.

Sylvester walked towards him with a smile “I didn't know, you will get tired, quick” he mocked.

Chin weak body tried to move.

“Aahh.” he moaned painfully, Sylvester smiled in satisfaction, grabbed his shirt collar and lift him open.

He opened his mouth and his teeth transformed to fangs, he dug it, in his neck, and drained all his blood.

Ignoring his scream, he flung the limp body away.

Suddenly, Chin's phone started ringing, he glanced towards the direction, and went to get the phone.

He stared at the screen