
Chapter 206

Neck, and pulled her face, he leaned forward for a kiss.

But, Arial turned away, and his lips touched her soft skin of her cheek, he clenched his fists.

The both of them stood still, for some time, before departing holding hands.

Jeane stopped the car, and came out of the car, Jeame stayed still, and watched her go into the house.

Lucy lay on the bed, tossing both sides, the door to her room, opened and Jeane stepped, and switched on the light.

Jeane walked in and held her friend in her arms.

“Why didn't you break up with Jack?” she asked, in surprise, Lucy rubbed her head on her chest, and sniffled.

“Jack don't love me, Jeane” she responded, Jeane stiffened, wondering if she heard her friend correctly.

The both of them stayed in for the whole night, Jeane forgot about Jeame in the car.

The next morning, armed men gathered in a large warehouse, the roaring of an engine was heard in the entrance, the entrance of the warehouse, open, and Chin stepped in, escorted with several men.

“Boss” all of them hailed him, he stood before them.

He stood before them, suddenly another car stopped at the entrance of the warehouse, Sylvester stepped out wearing eyeglasses.

Chin men gathered around him, shielding him from the intruder.

“Shoot!” Chin ordered, and the men behind him, came forward, and he was taken out from the scene.

Sylvester darted towards them, taking two blades from his body, and swung it towards the crowd of people, blood spilled, as heads rolled from their body.

Numerous bullets holes appeared on his body, he darted left, and right, killing so many men.

Chin was taken to a steaming helicopter at the back of the warehouse.

"Explode it" he ordered, and the helicopter took off, the two men left on the ground, brought heavy launches from a truck parked in the arid land.

They shot at the warehouse.



The explosion blew the house into flames, Chin watched from the sky, and squinted his eyes.

He shut his eyes, hoping, it will be the end of it, as the helicopter soar into the sky.

Sam peered at Bella's face, he inhaled when he saw that, she was fast asleep, he tried to lift her hand to his body, but she stirred, and rolled, slamming a punch to his stomach.



He covered his mouth, and moaned painfully, he watched her face intently, and saw that, she is still asleep.

He lifted his weight up, and tried to move, but her legs was entangled with him, he tried pulling her legs away, but couldn't.

Bella eyes fluttered, and her face darkened, “are you trying to leave me, huh?” she asked, Sam mouth dried.

“.N…o” he stuttered, she arched her eyebrows at him “we will be going to swim today, no classes” she ordered, Sam's face fell.

Jeane came out of the house, and headed to the car, she pulled the car