
Chapter 18

He stared at the woman and man under his hostage and his lips curled up "your son failed" he snorted, and pointed the gun at them.

His phone started ringing, he pulled it out and saw the caller I.D, he decided to deny the caller audience but thought against it.

Immediately Keane got over the pain, he crawled behind a street bin bucket, he hid there till the gunshots ended, he quickly brought out his phone and called the man who had sent him to help capture Jeane.

He dialled his phone earnestly, feeling nervous and agitated "pick the damn! call." he slammed his fist on the concrete floor, his face sweaty and body tensed.

His hands shook in anticipation as the call connected "you failed" the mean voice came from the other end, he shuddered, fear kicked in.

"I did as you have instructed, I wasn't the one who got it wrong on my side, I fucking did" he reiterated, but the voice on the other end was silent.

"you failed" the voice came again, he suddenly heard gunshots, and his heart was ripped into shreds "no!" he screamed, and his phone dropped from his hands.

Old Man Bill was having his nap when a knock came on the door, he rolled on the bed feeling disturbed by the person disrupting his sleep.

"Sir, there is an emergency" the person behind the door reported, Old Man Bill grumbled, he sighed heavily and lifted his head.

He got down from his bed and strode to the door "what is the matter, Carl?" he asked, feeling a bit sleepy.

"There is an attempt to kidnap Jeane, but Jeame was able to get her to safety, should we send more men to help out?" His butler Carl proposed, Old Man Bill's eyes widened "you bullshitting me, send down more men... no.. no.." he stuttered not knowing what else to say.

"get the police to involve" he suggested, "I have" Carl commented.

"Good, make sure Jeame and Jeane are safe, take the boys down there, I will have a chat with Chin," he said, and Carl walked out of his sight.

Chin strode over to where he had kept his phone and picked it up and dialled Chin's number, feeling overwhelmed by the news.

Chin was having a drug exchange when his phone rang in his pocket, he looked at the men in suits before him, they watched him intently suspecting foul play.

He smiled "gentlemen, how about I have my money" he requested, smiling sheepishly, suddenly he foresaw some dangerous movements from his business associate.

"Fuck!" he cursed, and dragged one of his men beside him, and used him as wage, the man shot directly at him but the man he used as wage got the bullet.

Chin quickly pulled the triggers thrice shooting his assailants, three of them got blown by his bullets on their heads.

His men finished the rest, he sighed heavily, blaming the caller for distracting him.
