
Chapter 172

Arial's number.

Arial stood before the river bank, with barefoot, Philip sat on the beach sand, looking at her intently, her phone started ringing in her purse.

She pulled it out of the purse, and glanced at the screen, she saw it was Jo calling, the tears, she was preventing, started streaming down her eyes.

“I hate you, Jo” she cried, Philip quickly sprung to his feet, and held her, as she was screaming hysterically.

The man Jo had sent to trail Arial, arrived at the beach, he started taking pictures of the both of them hugging, and sent it to Jo.

Jo glanced at the screen of the phone, when the light surfaced, he picked his phone up, and his heart palpitated, he looked at the screen, veins pop up on his forehead.

He gritted his teeth and his heart sank, his face darkened, he slammed the table with a spared fist.

“Damn it!” 

He stood and strode to the door, but rethink his action, he went back to his executive chair and settled on it, he vented all his frustrations on the laptop keyboard.

The door opened, and his secretary stepped “Boss, coffee” she said, he glared at her.

“Get lost” he yelled, she quickly retreated and slammed the door shut, she was moved to tears.

Jo exhaled and concentrated, he tried to erase the picture of the man hugging Arial from his mind.

“Let's have something to eat” Philip whispered to her, Arial raised her head from his chest, and nodded, he took her arm, and led her to a bar, around the beach.

The man Jo hired trailed the both of them stealthily, keeping his presence secret as possible, he could.

Jo picked up his phone and dialed once again, but Arial rejected his call, he gritted his teeth, and shut his laptop.

He picked up his jacket from the jacket-racket, he wore it and stepped out of his office.

He took the elevator, it was late already, he stayed in his car for some minutes, and dialed Arial's number, the call didn't connect.

Jo slammed the wheel with his palm, he ignited his car's engine, and drove out of the company's underground parking-lot, he had barely driven a kilometer, when he saw his father's secretary walking on the street, alone.

He pulled over, and stepped out of the car, the moment she sighted her eyes on him, she blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment.

“Where are you going to?” he asked, she felt reluctant to speak up, her lips quiver “you don't have to worry, I don't have any ill intention towards you, hop in, I will be your driver for today” he said, with a note of finality.

She stared at the car in daze, she pinched her arm wondering if she is dreaming, she briskly hopped into the car.

Before she could get in, a picture of her was taken, and sent to Arial, who was sitting idling in the bar, while