
Chapter 166

“If you say so, there won't be any objection” Old Man Bill cleared the air.

Jo nodded, and thanked him, before leaving his office.

Sylvester watched the man who wanted to assault the lady, swung the short sharp knife before him, his face darkened, and he clenched his fists, remembering what had happened years ago.

Young Sylvester was about entering the school gate, when saw men on suit, came to him, and blockade the entrance of the school.

“Our Boss wants to see you, kid” one of the tall burly men on suite said, Sylvester looked towards his left, and saw a car parked at the road, close to the edge of the school fence.

Young Sylvester didn't want to 'cause a scene, he walked towards the luxurious car, the men on suite escorted him behind, he was ushered into the car.

He turned around and saw the man sitting by his side “Hello, boy” he said, smilingly, young Sylvester felt nervous around him, he emanated a deadly aura.

“Who are you?” he mustered to ask, the man busted into a fit of laughter.

He grabbed the man with knife wrist, and squeezed it.

“Aah!” the man shrieked, as the bones in his wrist crisped, he let go of the knife, his face grimaced, in agony, he felt his entire body weakened.

Sylvester eyes turned red, and pushed him away, he floated five meters away from where Sylvester was standing.

The lady that he planned to rape has already scurried off, Sylvester walked into the woods, the man stood quickly, panic surged into him, sensing he is no opponent of Sylvester.

He turned around and dashed towards the wood, trying to escape far away from him.

Sylvester froze seeing claws marking on a tree, he stood still, and remembered the very moment, his entire world came crashing.

A halted in a meadow, surrounded by woods, a soft music can be heard in a distance, it was the prom night.

Sylvester alighted from the Ferrari that the headlights gone off immediately, they reached the center of the meadow.

He heard her voice from a distance, Sylvester pulled his coat, and darted towards the wood, as fast as he could.

He stood, and saw two boys laughing, and pointing their torches to the ground.

Young Sylvester lowered his gaze, and his face sank, his breath laboured, a vein popped out at his forehead, his eyes turned bright red.

Two teenagers unclad, making out on the mat, laid on the ground.

Abigail's legs, intertwined around Mark's waist, her fingernails dug his back, and Mark's muscles tensed, as his waist moved up and down.

His hard manhood thrust in and out of her wet pussy, the both of them were locked in a passionate kiss.

Sylvester tried to turn, and walk away, but Biggie noticed his presence.

“He is here” he heard his voice, his fingernails dug in his clenched palm, his fangs elongated “come watch, Sylvester, how your girlfriend, I mean your love,