
Chapter 163

He gaped at her in shock.

“Continue” she snapped.

Sam quickly regained his senses, giving a half-smile, he cringed inwardly, he doesn't wish to have such a domineering girlfriend.

Jeane looked her friends who were also staring at her expecting good news, she lowered her head.

She glared at Jack, “was Sam kidnapped?” she snorted.

Jack became perplexed, wondering why he was accused “of course, he was” he reiterated.

Jeane arched her eyebrow “you both are playing games, the lady said, Sam is his boyfriend, I am done here” Jeane commented, and grabbed her school bag.

She left, and Jeame followed her from behind, Lucy slapped Jack's shoulder.


“Why did you lie to us?” she snarled at him, poking a finger at his forehead.

Jack tried to defend himself, but the words to say didn't come forward, he opened and closed his mouth, wondering where he had lied.

Lucy humphed and strode out of the empty class, Jack sat still, thinking about his next action, he sighed in resignation and left the empty classroom.

“Congratulations, sir, for your newly appointment as the new president” 

Jo smiled at the person, and shook his hand, several people congratulated him.

His phone started ringing, he stepped out of the conference, and pulled out his phone from his pocket, where there is serenity.

He squinted his eyes at the phone screen, he picked the call, his face gloomy, he was furious.

“Jo, are you on the line?” Arial's tiny sweet voice came from the phone speaker, soothing his anger. “I am” he mumbled.

“Don't bother coming to the office to pick me up, I will be going home to see my parents” he heard her say, his heart hammered in the chest, in rage, he kicked a table at the side.


He was hurt, but he felt more pained from the betrayal, Arial heard the commotion from the other end.

“Are you okay, Jo?” she asked, with a concern voice, he sighed heavily.

“I am fine” he simply answered.

“I will hang up now” she said, and hang up, Jo clenched his fists, his chest heaving.

He got busy with his phone, a message pop-up in the notification bar.

“Got it, Boss” he slid his phone into his pocket, and strode out of the room, and went to meet his father, discussing with an elderly man.

“Mr. Stones, here is my son, you do remember him?” Old Man Bill asked, the man with gray hairs, turned to Jo, and nodded.

“Of course, I do” he glared at Jo, Jo chuckled under his breath, remembering what he did to him, when he was in a high school.

Old Man Bill didn't see their facial expressions, he was pleased the both of them are acquaintance, “How are you doing, sir?” Jo stretched his arm for a handshake.

Stones took it and squeezed his palm roughly, “of course I am doing fine, hope you are less mischievous now?” he asked, with a beaming face.
