
Chapter 155

He had bought for her on a table.

“How are you feeling, this morning?” he inquired, she smiled at him “I am doing fine, since you are taking care of me” she answered attentively.

Berger's heart moved, he was pleased she acknowledged his efforts.

He stared at her face briefly, “what?” Linda asked, wondering why he was staring at her face.

“I have avenged for you, the man who raped you, he won't do that to another person again” Berger said, with an emotional voice.

She lowered her head, and clenched her fists, she remembered it wasn't just a man, but another dimwit also, probably, she will be the one who will deal with him.

“I am sorry, I w…” he stopped talking when he felt Linda's palm on his arm, she managed a smile “thank you” she said, he was moved, he embraced her in his arms, and smiled widely.

Jeane felt the presence of someone in the room, she yawned tiredly, and was startled when she saw Jeame sitting on the chair before her.

She blinked her eyes, wondering what he was doing in her room.

“It is 8am” he heard him say.

“Oh, My God!” she screamed and quickly got down from the bed, she went into the bathroom, and took her bath, she came out and was surprised, that Jeame wasn't inside anymore.

She shrugged and prepared for school, had breakfast, got into her car and saw Jeame inside, waiting for her arrival.

“How long have you been in here?” she asked.

He turned to her briefly before ignited the car, “not quite long” he said and reversed the car out of the garage.

Old Man Bill dropped his teacup, his butler Carl quickly hurried over to the breakfast table.

“Sylvester is still alive” he reported, Old man Bill's eyes widened in shock, he turned to Carl, with 'I don't believe you' facial expression.

Carl nodded realizing what he was insinuating, he also wouldn't have believed, but they too many evidences, that if he disagreed with, it will be tantamount to be living in self-denial.

“I saw it myself, sir, two people reported missing” he reported, Old Man Bill rubbed his tempo, he drew a long breath.

“What is Chin doing about it?” he asked, Carl.

“Nothing” Carl answered.

“Let him be for the mean time, if he dares try to hurt anyone, make sure he doesn't survive another onslaught” Old Man Bill instructed him, he nodded in acknowledgement.

Old Man Bill stood from the dining table, and went out of the house, with his entourage.

The moment Old Man Bill settled in his luxurious Ferrari, his phone rang, he pulled out his phone, he glanced at the caller, it was Joseph.

He squinted his eyes on the screen before picking the call “Dad, I am coming to the company, to take up my role as the president” he heard him say the moment the call connected.

A joyous smile creeped to his face, he didn't