
Chapter 149

Will hate me more later, it is your own decision anyway” Chin

commented mockingly, he squinted his eyes at him.

“Chin, you are a betrayal” Lycan snorted at him angrily, he wished, he could grab his neck immediately.

“Don't do anything silly, I can pull the trigger if you do anything stupid…” Chin threatened and straightened up, “Well, I don't have any interest in killing you, I don't know about the corpse, they have a lot against you, well…” 

He said and strode away causally “I won't forget to come visit you in jail Lycan” Lycan heard his taunting voice, and heard his fainting footfalls.

When the entire premises was in silence, he struggled to get on his feet.

His face grimaced as the excruciating pain surging from the gunned arm circulate his body, he covered the shot area with his palm.

He suddenly heard different footfalls approaching the place he is, “shit!” he mouthed, and ducked the moment he saw the cap of one of the cops that have come to capture him.

He tried to sneak out through the other entrance, he counted ten and ran out immediately, dashing towards the other exit.



Lycan heard gunshots behind him, luckily none of it got to him because the cars shielded him, he ran into the hallway, leading out of the base, his heart palpitated joyously.

Three cops appeared at the other end, pointing their muzzles of guns at him.

“Freeze!” he was instructed.

He stood still, his pale face became wary, and his heart faint, his knees buckled, he had lost enough blood, he dropped on his knees, and fell down.

Jo opened his eyes in a dimly illuminated room, Arial clutched to him tightly, he turned towards where he felt his soft breath on.

He stared at her face briefly, she was deeply asleep, and snoring softly. He gently lifted her arm, clung to his neck softly, and edged himself away from her.

She flung her arm reckless, and held him, she stirred, Jo, fell back pretending to be sleeping, when he was assured that Arial did that out of reflex, he made another move and got down from the bed.

He stood watching her briefly before stepping out of the room, shutting the door as noiseless he could, his butler was already standing some meters from him, awaiting his presence.

He quickly strode towards him, as he led the way “Sir, we have brought the man to the room” he said, as he led him through the walls.

He stood at the door, and tilted his head towards the door “he is inside, Sir” he said, and backed away.

Jo opened the door and stepped in, he saw the man tied to the chair, blindfolded, he looked fragile, and have aged more, the little time he had spent time alone in the room.

One of the men with batons stepped forward and removed the blindfold from the eyes of Mr. Bruce, his head leaned towards