
Chapter 146

Be your last”



He saw his father shot twice on the head.

“No.” he screamed unwittingly, before he could come to his senses, he saw that his father's assailants were looking at him.

He ran away, abandoning his backpack, but they were staying in the outskirt of the City, and the tarred road was unusually less busy than that particular moment.

Three men ran after him in pursuit, the exasperated Sylvester turned around and saw them, he dashed into the woods across the road, he ran as fast he could.

But the sound of gunshot, made his knees buckled, and he stumbled, rolling on the floor, and his head slammed on the tree.

His eyes fluttered, and he saw two men hovering over him with their guns pointed at him.

He squinted his eyes at them, and saw one of them making a call.

“Boss, should we kill him?” the man, pointing the gun at him, asked.

“Oh, just let the boy be” a voice came from the other end of the call.

Relief washed over Sylvester as he heard what the caller had said, his assailants let their guard down, and retreated, he stood on his feet, and look around.



He heard two gunshots consecutively, he felt unbearable pain, encroaching his body, from his lap that is now bloody, and an itching but excruciating pain on his stomach.

He dropped to the ground, blood seeping from his body incessantly, he crawled, to get help, his face paled, and his lips dry, his eyes bright white.

Two bodyguards were smoking near the fence, 

“what do you have to say about the lady I showed you the other time?” he asked his partner.

His partner was about to respond when they feel a gust of wind whooshed over their head, startling the both of them.

They looked visibly shaken, as they stared at the shaking trees and flowers.

“Do you feel that?” his partner asked.

Jeame landed over the fence with his feet, he ran faster and came to a halt in an open field, surrounded by plants, it is a meadow.

He heard a wolf howling, he stepped forward, and the prowling wolf moved towards him.

“Morgan.” Jeame called out to the wolf, the wolf shape-shifted to a beautiful slender lady, in a white gown, show looked exceedingly beautiful in her white gown.

The moon bathed her delicate exposed skin, adding a touch to her graceful presence.

“Jeame” her voice was emotionless.

“What are you doing here?” he asked coldly, she rolled her eyes.

And twirled her long hair behind, that stopped just before her waist behind.

“You have refused to come see me, I decided to come to myself, Jeame, have you no shame, you abandoned your mate” she chided him.

Jeame became colder every moment, the murderous aura emanating from his body, made her unwittingly shut her mouth.

“Who made you my mate, Morgan? I knew, you were not my mate, and you can