
Chapter 144

they went back to the site and reported what had happened around the factory earlier to their superior.

The message got to the caucus gathering, when the details started flooding in, they were all excited, probably Jeame must have been killed.

"We should send someone to check on who was killed, Pero did a wonderful job, we won't have to worry about the safety of our goods anymore" one of the caucus members blurted out with a smile.

Their bodies trembled with excitement "we shouldn't bother sending someone to check on him, we should go by ourselves" 

They quickly mobilized and headed towards the direction of the factory, they arrived at the scene of the fight, they could see their feet marks, and the damages they did to trees and grasses.

One of the men who has seen the dead body earlier led the way and showed them where the dead body was, the moment they saw the body, their body stiffened.

And when the dislodged head was brought, their heart sank and fear clouded their senses, they stood helplessly, watching the sight with confusion, their hearts twitched.

"He killed Pero!" One of them exclaimed with shock registered on his face, he looked petrified.

They stayed a long time, watching the scene helplessly, wondering how Jeame became so powerful, finally, they made their way out of the area.

The five of them separated, and departed to their various, one of them arrived home, he had sent his kids away, after the trouble.

He opened the door, and walked to his bar, he filled a glass of alcohol and downed it, the deep sorrow in his heart made his future look bleak, he poured himself another glass and downed it, a bitter facial expression appeared on his face, and he sighed.

He dropped the glass on the counter was again, a bottle started pouring its content in the glass, he squinted his eyes, and trailed the bottle, only to see fingers walled around the bottle.

He adjusted his sight towards the direction of the fingers coming from, he saw a hand, and lifted his face to see a face smiling, he squinted at the face, and his head felt heavy.

"It is good to drink more alcohol, you know, alcohol is good when you have a bad day" Lycan smirked, and poured himself a glass of alcohol too.

"Don't you want to drink anymore?" He lifted the glass and suspended it in mid-air, the man nervously picked up the glass and the two glasses clinked together, making a bit of sound.

Lycan downed it in one gulp, making a satisfying facial expression, the other man slowly sipped his alcoholic wine, Lycan shot him an angry look.

"You don't seem to be interested in drinking with me, then w..."

Before Lycan could finish his threat, the man downed his glass filled with alcohol wine, Lycan grinned and poured more alcohol wine into the glasses.

"You have such a rich alcoholic bottle in