
Chapter 142

Visited the castle.

He walked into the house and saw that, some part of the house burnt, he stepped forward and the corpse smell waft into his nostrils, he stood over the burnt body.

Sylvester bent down, and his eyes became bloodshot, he remembered when George picked him up.

Sam, Jack, Lucy, came out of the hospital, and hop in their jeep “where do you think we should go, Sam?” Jack asked, feeling excited.

“To a bar” he suggested.

“Ho-wee!” Lucy exclaimed.

Jack ignited the car engine and trotted out of the hospital, “should I invite, Jeane over?” Lucy asked.

Sam became nervous suddenly “no, no, don't” he retorted, feeling flustered.

Lucy was surprised, Sam was the one who always proposed Jeane to join their gathering, she simply shrugged, not rather to probe further.

Six cars parked in a deserted underground parking lot, the opposite sides, several men lined up, on both end.

Chin stepped forward and dropped a briefcase on a table and stepped backward, keeping an eye on the other side.

“I will send him to check on it” a man standing at the middle on the other side said.

“Of course, Lycan, you have my full support to” Chin reiterated.

The man he referred to as Lycan, tilted his head to his left-hand side, and a man in his late thirties, strode forward, his bald head, made his fat face bulged.

He grabbed the briefcase and opened it, he saw many packaged white substances, he bent forward and smelt it, brought out a knife, and stabbed a package.

He scooped some and tasted it, he stood aright and closed the briefcase, he nodded towards the man Chin referred to as Lycan earlier.

Lycan's subordinate stepped backward, Chin raised his hands at the other end “my money, Lycan” Chin blurted out.

“Don't be too fast, Chin” Lycan reiterated and waved his hand towards his right hand, a man standing at the other end, stepped forward with a briefcase, and dropped it on the table.

Chin nodded towards his left hand, another of his men moved forward swiftly, and counted the dollar notes in the briefcase.

“Complete” he signaled Chin.

“The cops are here” suddenly, a voice disrupted the flowing transaction.



Gunshots rang in the air, bringing a commotion in their midst.

“Get the briefcase!” Chin ordered, Lycan sensing that he was played, “shoot them” he ordered.

Jeane turned and rolled on her bed, she decided to come out of her room, she stood before Jeame's room, and knocked on the door softly.

When she didn't hear any response, she turned the doorknob and stepped into the room, she saw him sitting on the window, his image at the window cast a shadow in his room that the light is out.

She stepped forward nervously, “Jeame, are you alright?” she asked, concerned.

“I missed them” he simply said, she became a puzzle, but still made her way to him.

“Who?” she asked, he turned to her with