
Chapter 134


“Tell him I want to see him” he said, shutting his eyes.

“That won't be necessary, Sir, he will be here to see you”

Jeane heard beeping from the phone, she bit her lower lip.

Jeame stood and walked to the tent, Jeane watched his back briefly, before getting busy with her phone.

Jeame saw Jack and Lucy arguing again, he sat down on the bed and watched their two.

“That belongs to me, Jack” Lucy said, looking furious, Jack infuriated by her gut, “how does it belong to you? You gave it to me” he retorted, glaring at her.

Lucy rolled her eyes, “that was when you were my romantic boyfriend” she blurted out, and folded her arms.

Jack felt insulted, he arched his eyebrow “are you saying that am not romantic, huh?” he snorted, Lucy smiled.

“At least you are smart, give it back”


Both of them started dragging once again, Jeame ignored them and started parking up, the things he came with, he even helped Jeane's to arrange her things.

Jeane came in and saw the commotion “Jack, Lucy, we are going” she said to her friend, who were arguing over a tiny sculpture, the both of them forgo their fight.

“Why?” they both asked at once, surprising Jeane.

She licked her lips, “um, Dad is back, and he wanted me home right away” she replied.

“You!” Lucy snarled at Jack, Jack hiss.

“I am going with you guys, I can't stay a minute with” he tilted his head towards Lucy.

Both of them started arguing once again, Jeane ignored them and took her things from Jeame.

Jeame stood and headed towards the exit of the tent, Jeane also picked up her things “We are leaving, Lucy, and Jack” she reminded while standing at the exit.


The two of them scampered around and gathered their things.

Sylvester came down from the staircase, he saw the man waiting for him and the base of the staircase, he scoffed, realizing that he is up, early to have scuffled with him.

He had to recruit more vampires to fight for him, the humans he had around him, are a bunch of clowns.

He feigned ignorance of his presence and tried to walk away, but an arm grabbed his shoulder, he turned swiftly, and a glint surfaced in his eyes momentarily.

Sylvester gritted his teeth, “Don't push me George” he warned, his patience thin.

“Or el…” before he could complete his statement, Sylvester kicked him away.


 He landed on a table, that broke apart, dividing at the center he landed.

He quickly got on his feet “you have nerves, Sylvester, I intended to kill you, for going against me, I am your benefactor, and today, I have to end all this madness” he said, and pulled out an ancient dagger from his pocket.

Sylvester's lips curled up in disdain, he looked like someone, who had heard an unpleasant joke “You are such a clown, George, a weak