
Chapter 125

Peacefully inside, she went close to him, and watched his face briefly, she hovered her palm over his eyelids, she looked at his eyelids intently, sensing that he is fast asleep.

She stealthily moved her hands to the band of the mask around his neck, she exhaled softly before trying to pull it over his head, slowly, slowly.

Jeame eyelids wavered, and he opened his eyes, it was blood-red, he shut his eyes quick and opened it once again. It returned to it normal brown color, he grabbed her arm.

“Ah!” Jeane gasped, and faced him nervously, he squinted his eyes at her, both of them were locked in eye contact, Jeame felt the connection of his wolf to her.

The cop went into the wood, wandering, calling out to his colleague.

“Jake!” he called out, and fastened his footsteps.

Jake heard someone calling his name, he stopped, and a swift motion at his front attracted his attention, he pointed the torchlight towards the directions.

A chilling sensation cruise through his body, and he became apprehensive, he placed his palm at his gun, where he had tucked it.

“Jake!” he heard the voice from a distance, he turned around, he felt like someone was with him, he turned around and pointed the torchlight at the face of Sylvester that have shifted to his vampire form.

He swatted his arm away, and the gun, with the torchlight fell off from his hands, Sylvester moved swiftly and grabbed him, before he could comprehend what wad going on.

The cop, searching for Jake, heard the shrieking sound.

“Damn!” he cursed, and quickly ran towards the direction with his gun, he came closer to the direction he had heard the shrieking.

“My goodness!” he exclaimed, his eyes were bulging because of what he was seeing, Sylvester held his friend by his head and dug his fangs in his neck, draining the entire blood from his system.

He let him slum to the ground, and wiped the blood stain on the corner of his lips, he heard the cop standing before him, cock his gun.

He moved swiftly aside, escaping the bullet, and swoop at him, knocking the gun out of his hand.

Chin's men all came out of their cars, numbering fifteen of them.


They heard the gun shot, “that direction” they all went into the woods, towards the sound of the gun.

The firefighters water tank arrived at the scene, the driver stopped at the roadside, two firefighters came down from the trunk and saw the car, they were called for, already burnt out.

“Bill, this is already gone” the firefighter tilted his head towards the direction of his companion, who was examining the expensive cars.

“Why are there so many cars, damn. That shit is expensive” he exclaimed pointing at one of the cars, parked by Chin's men, his friend eyes lit up looking towards the direction of his pointed finger.

The driver head popped out of the trunk windshield "You