
Chapter 115

man brought a table and kept it before him, and then he brought chairs and set the table.

"We all know what next" the coordinator chuckled.

Carl parked his car and was escorted by six elite fighters, he looked at the shabby house, walked to the old door and pushed it open, the door fell on its own accord, exposing the inside.

Carl narrowed his eyes and pulled out the pistol, he had tucked, he moved forward stealthily, intently looking around, he sighted someone lying on the floor.

"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath and hurried over to see the man lying on the floor with just an eye lifeless, he touched his pulse and realized his body was cold, and he had died.

"Call an ambulance" he instructed one of the elite fighters he came with, he took the remaining five and checked the rooms, they moved from room to room and didn't see anyone.

"Let's leave here," he said, and all of them marched out, took the cars they came with and drove out.

While on their way to the City, Carl pulled his phone and dialled Old Man Bill's number.

"That will be all for today," Old Man Bill said, and smiled, as the camera captured his face.

"Thank you, Mr Chairman" 

"Mr Chairman, have you decided on who should be the next president?"

His phone started ringing "excuse me" he stepped out of the conference room and strode to his office, he picked the call on his way.

"Is anything the matter, Carl?" he asked while turning the doorknob "Yes, Boss, we lost Blade, he was killed in his residence, and Sylvester wasn't captured, he moved over to another base with his few men that survived the onslaught, I heard he has reinforced" Carl reported from the other end.

Old Man Bill's face creased in worry, he sighed heavily, realizing that he had lost a great fighter "do something about the situation" he said, about to hang up when Carl's voice came up again.

"Sir, Chin is going to attack his base, should we join him, or act as reinforcement?" he asked, Old Man Bill thought about it carefully.

Chin is a proud man, that won't allow you to render help to him, just act like reinforcement if he is losing" Old Man Bill commented, before hanging up.

He leaned on the executive chair backwards, and closed his eyes, savouring the peace of his office.

Arial held Jo's hand, as the both of them walked to the door, she kept on glancing at his face, Jo caught her.

"Hey, what are you looking at? am I too handsome?" he asked, making a funny face, she laughed and ignored his question.

The door opened and Arial mother emerged, she beamed seeing the two of them.

"Welcome, Arial.."

Jo greeted her, she turned to Arial and tilted her head towards Jo, she blushed and nodded "you are Joseph Bill, right?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes, Ma, I am"