
Chapter 112

talk" he suggested, 

Mr Thompson became apprehensive, he looked at his face briefly, and he clenched his cheekbones.

His eyes glinted "I am in a hurry, Sylvester, how about we make a day, and we talk" he retorted, Sylvester smiled at him, his face became hardened.

"now, Mr Thompson" he insisted, with a threatening look, "I have to leave" Mr Thompson maintained his earlier position, and wanted to walk away, Sylvester grabbed his arm roughly and looked at him daring him to make any move.

"I insist" he snorted, his voice icy cold, and his eyes threatening, just then, the door was burst open, and ten men with assaulted weapons marched in.

"Don't move!" they pointed their guns towards Sylvester, he looked at Mr Thompson, whose face is now relaxed "really?" he asked, with raised eyebrows.

Joseph alighted from the car and looked at the supermarket briefly, he marched towards the supermarket, with a big frown on his face.

The security man at the gate, sensing trouble, wade in to prevent him from going in.

"Si..." Jo pushed him away, pulled the door open and stepped, he marched to the executive area, where Linda's office is.

Linda was busy in her laptop when the door was pulled open, and Chloe ran in, looking dishevelled and sweaty, she started shivering, Linda frowned seeing her in such an unstable state.

"What is the matter?" she asked, with an annoying voice, Chloe swallowed the lump of saliva in her throat.

"Jo, is coming" she announced, heaving, Linda frowned, and rolled her eyes.

"You are so scared of Jo, I am not, just go to your desk" she waved her hand to the door nonchalantly, she concentrated on the laptop, Chloe turned around and headed the door.


The door was kicked open with a kick, and Jo stood at the door, Chloe jumped out of the way, looking petrified.

Jo stormed in, Chloe scurried out of the door, fearing the worse, Linda looked towards Jo, she became apprehensive, seeing him looking murderous.

He pushed the mahogany table away, startling Linda, who looked scared and lost, Jo grabbed her by the neck and pushed her to the wall.

"Stop Jo!" she shrieked in fear, and held his hands, trying to release him from forcing life out of her, he held on, clenching his teeth and tightening his hold on her neck.

His facial expression was blank, her eyes rolled behind, he let her go and she slum to the floor, panting and taking long breathes, her eyes watery, as she coughed violently, her hair dishevelled.

The door was pushed open and two burly men stepped in, with Chloe coming behind.

"don't ever dare send another assassin to Arial" he warned, before storming out of her office, the two burly men watched him leave without reacting.

Chloe ran over to her friend and squatted by her side "are you okay, Linda?" she asked, looking concerned.

"I am fine," she said, and tried to stand up,