
Chapter 105


"Sir, it is the son of Bill"

Mr Bruce stood instantly, his face fell and his heart was conflicted, he turned to his subordinate who had said that.

"I don't care! I don't give a damn! anyone who ever..." he got hold of his subordinate and held his coat roughly, and glared at him fiercely "who even touches my son shall die!" he roared.

His outburst attracted people who had come to see their loved ones in the hospital, the team in charge of maintaining decorum in the hospital came over.

"Sir, it is..."

he lifted his hand and landed on the leader of the Decorum Team.


It forced his face to turn, he walked away, ignoring the team of decorum.

Jeane stood out in the cold hugging herself, the camp has quietened, as everyone took refuge in their tents.

"Come in, Jeane, there are bad guys lurking around" Jack's voice came from the tent.

"stop being a pessimist!" Lucy retorted.

A minute later, they started arguing with raised voices, Jeane sighed heavily and decided to walk into the woods, but suddenly heard the sound of a smashed dry stick by a foot.

Jeame emerged from the wold and stood before her, she was too worried to care, she embraced him and rested her head on his chest, Jeame body stiffened.

He slowly placed his arm around her waist, Jeane came to her senses and pulled herself from his embrace, and hid her blushing face in shame.

"Are you worried?" she asked, she turned and ran into the tent shyly, Jeame smiled and strode in.

Jack leapt from the ground he was and nearly fell into the canopy of the tent, his heart beating rapidly when he saw that Jeane was the one who came in, he exhaled and frowned.

"What did you come in like that? you scared the shit out of me" he said, glaring at her, Lucy laughed.

"C'mon, Jack, you are always scared of the unknown..." she paused when she saw Jeane's face, she saw that she is red "Hey, what happened to you?" she asked, pointing to her face.

Jeane adjusted in disbelief and poked a finger to her chest "me?" she reiterated in shock, Lucy nodded "you are a blushing girl, who is the lucky one?" she screamed, just then, Jeame came in.

The man on the floor stood and stretched his arms, suddenly, fire engulfed his arms, and his eyes were like a burning fire.

"That is it" Sylvester commented smilingly, He sped towards Sylvester who knocked him off with a kick, he barely touched the ground when he darted towards him again.

Both of them were clasped in a turmoil of rollercoaster onslaught on each other, they separated, Sylvester landed on his feet while he fell to the ground.

He stood with wobbling legs, and his face pale, blood started dripping on his neck.

He vomited blood, and he fell to the floor with his eyes opened wide, still trying