
Chapter 102

into the cave.

Biggie was standing right at the side of Jack, he placed his fat arm on his shoulder, Jack shrunk because of his weight.

"If I were you man, I will be there for those two great beauties" he patted his back, Jack turned to him and watched his face briefly, he nodded in assurance.

He took a long breath and followed, 

"Jeane, Lucy, wait for me.." he called out to them, jogging towards them.

Jeane and Lucy abruptly turned and beamed, seeing Jack coming to help them.

they embraced each other before turning, but they stopped in their track.

When Jeame emerged with the gold ball in his hand, everyone who was present clapped for their victory.

Mr Chin walked sank in a sofa, and signalled one of his subordinates to get a bottle of wine, he returned with it.

He was about to pour it, into a glass, when his phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and squinted his eyes on the screen, he picked the call.

"I have a gift for you" a voice spoke, and the call abruptly was ended on the other end, he frowned and looked thoughtfully at the phone screen.

Just then, a video was transferred to him, his hands shivered as he worked on the screen, he played the video, and his face fell instantly when he recognized the face of the girl tied to a chair, was his second daughter.

His face creased into a worry, he dialled the number and called.

The voice at the other end came up once again "did you watch it to the end?" he asked, before cutting off the call.

Chin frown deepened and he gritted the screen, he watched absentmindedly, till he was shaken from his daydreaming when a gunshot sound rang from the phone's speaker.


His hands shook, and his face fell as he watched a hole leaking blood in the bridge betwixt the two eyes of his daughter, he held the phone with all his might, and his heart twitched painfully.

The phone rang once again, and a peal of laughter came from the phone speaker.

"Tsk! it was so easy to get rid of your daughter..." the voice said and resumed the cocky laughter.

"I will kill you!" Chin yelled and held his phone, veins popped out at his forehead, and he gritted his teeth fiercely while staring at the phone in his hand.

"Kill me?!" the voice started laughing once again and the call ended, Chin tried the line but it was already switched off.

He turned to his subordinate standing at his side "quickly, get me details about that number, I want to get hold of that bastard that had the gut to kill my daughter" he yelled and kicked the leather of the sofa, feeling enmeshed pain, his eyes became watery and wiped it at the back of his palm.

He stormed into his room, and pulled out his drawer, he stared at his