

"He doesn't know.And I don't think I'm gonna tell him either.At least until after he is married."

"Are you hearing yourself right now."Rose asked in shock."You must tell him before he gets married.Don't repeat your past mistake Piper."

"I won't.I will tell him mom."She walked over to the window."Just not yet.I'll wait.When he's married to Brigitta I'll talk to them both.I hopes she'll forgive me."

"You can't wait till then.It would be too late.Hia family don't believe in divorce. Are you really prepared to raise three kids on your own.You won't manage financially Piper."

"We'll survive.We did before and besides I know Sergio will take care of the baby like he is now with Aurora and Cristian.We'll be fine mom.But one thing I will not do is ruin Brigitta's upcoming wedding to Sergio.I'll never forgive myself if that happens.She's been so good to me from the word get go,not only that she loves Sergio just like I do.I know she'll take good care of him."