
CHAPTER 10: First Blood

  Rupert pulled a face when Sebastian came back later than he expected. The lovers were affectionate, walking in, side by side.

  “I’m a doctor, why do I have to keep an eye on this boy for the whole two hours?” Rupert crossed his legs, raising a brow in front of his best buddy, neglecting the fact that his best friend was no other than the vampire lord.

  “Who told you to watch the boy sleep? You could have just left him in the room and do something productive,” Sebastian said, frowning.

  “Thank you for taking care of Marco, Sir,” Lavinia said. She turned to see the sleeping boy, smiling, as she sat on the chair next to the bed.

  Rupert scratched his nape, “There’s no need to thank me, my lady.” He tried not to sound too sweet or else Sebastian would be jealous again.

  “How’s the boy?” Sebastian asked, gesturing to Rupert to come closer. “Is he healthy?”

  Rupert tilted his head to the side and walked out of the room, Sebastian followed.