
Chapter 156

#Chapter 156 I thought you would never ask

Halfway to her room, the world started to shift. Doris gripped the wall as a wave of nausea fell upon her.

“Are you alright?” A nearby guard asked. He gripped her elbow and helped straighten her, but the world still felt slanted. It was as if her mind was tilted and nothing she could do would straighten it again.

“I… I need to sit…” Doris whispered. The guard helped her to a nearby bench and the moment she sat down, she vomited all over his shoes. His sound of disgust was far away to her ears. She didn’t have enough strength to lift her head, he had to grip her shoulders to keep her from falling over.

“My lady, you need to get into bed—“

Doris threw up all over the man before he could finish his sentence. She leaned her head down against the cold stone on the bench and clenched on for dear life until the wave passed over.

When she opened her eyes, a frantic Beth was in front of her wiping her forehead with a wet cloth.