
Her Unmatched Powers

She Ran down the dark alleyway to try and avoid the killers who were after her, the killers were still hot on her trail but she didn't want to reveal who she was as yet what was she to do. She bent the corner almost causing her to lost her footing but she kept going she soon saw street lights, just up ahead was the main road if she could just make it out onto the busy streets she could loos the killers in the crowd to make her get away. "Come on don't let her escape we need her come on hurry it up men" one of the thugs shouted in frustration he could not believe that he was letting the girl escape he knew his boss would kill him if he doesn't return with the girl, but at this point catching the girl seems impossible she had made it to the end of the alleyway and out onto the busy streets escape the men by merely a thread ."I should have stayed home but I need to find him no one else want to do it so I will" she said to herself as she walking amongst the people to hide herself from the killers...….

Sumiki_Jungi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unknown Female

Shirumi was so puzzled that she couldn't even find the words to express it staring at the female she tried to put little pieces together to understand, "A systematic what!?" Shirumi ask completely dumb founded "Yes you heard me right a systematic version of you" the female said while shrugging her shoulders "simple terms I am you but stuck in you mind and keep things in here organized" she continued "well I guess that make sense because these book would not just sort themselves" Shirumi retorted while rolling her eyes with a shrug "well you have been here long enough time for you to leave" the female said in a serious voice "wait… what should I call you" Shirumi asked even though she knew that the female she was talking to was literally her it would be weird for her to be calling her own name just to talk to her. "Just call me Irumi okay but you need to go so bye" she said and she clapped her hands and Shirumi woke up in the math classroom again, there was only fifteen minutes left of class so Shirumi focused and started written the math notes from the board, the bell had finally rang to signal the end of another lesson it was now ten o' clock and at this point lower form would be having their lunch but not for the upper former's they would be heading to their third subject for the day and that was what Shirumi was doing as a upper former.

Meanwhile in Shirumi's mind Irumi was walking into one of the sections of the library like mindset of Shirumi's mind she walked over to a certain bookshelf that was missing a book she looked to her had a book was in her grasp "it is a good thing that the name of the protagonist and the protagonist in all these books were coded" Irumi said in a relieved voice "or else she would have been even more confused about it than she already is" she continued as her voice shrink down into a low whisper as if she was spreading a gossip to her best friend. She then placed the book back in its right full place and walked back to the end off the hall, she then made her way over to the table that was in the center of the room she then pulled out the chair from the table and took a seat as she looked up at the black screen in front of her that was displaying exactly what Shirumi was see, it was like she was looking through Shirumi's eyes.

Shirumi was now in her computer class learn how to code computers and make programs for computers. Their was one thing about Shirumi she loves computers you can always find her edit or make videos for people she would even help people to create advertisements for products and other items, Shirumi eventually put her talents to go use and started a small business were she would create edits, blogs or advertisement for people in doing this she gets a lot of money her parent loved the idea and assisted her with get certain equipment to aid her with her business such as getting her a bigger and better bedroom where she can have her little computer set up in it, a better computer set, a desk and chair and her own little bookshelves to keep her books on. Shirumi was making enough money to the point that if she wanted she could rent a house and live in it but she didn't t want to do that despite all that is going on with her and her mental state she didn't want to leave her parents and siblings behind she just couldn't do it but it hurts her to stay there with them everyday and she doesn't know why but she doesn't let this bother her she would always ignore the feeling so why bother to think or care about it now.

Irumi was watching everything that Shirumi did through her eyes she would then take notes on certain things she does and would sort and store the memory books that were there or had just been created she would even go through the mental notes that Shirumi would make so that whenever Shirumi was ever in a situation and she need facts about something so she could say it in the argument she would pin those mental notes or memories together to get it and send it to her so she says it, it was best to say that Irumi was Shirumi's brain but humanized. Shirumi had just finished a program that she was working on and was now testing it, this program would aid authors in their writing so if they are look for a type or character or description for places, people, setting and morals for the story this program would help with that, Shirumi was giving it a test run when she realized that the program couldn't be run on the school computer due to limited access and storage space on the computer so Shirumi made a mental note to herself to remember this program that she did, she sent the program to her email while Irumi who was inside her mind placed Shirumi's mental note on the board of "to remember" so that Shirumi would remember it the bell had then rang to signal another end to another class time for Shirumi and the end of Lunch time for lower former's.

Shirumi got up from her chair and took up her notebook, textbook and pen to pack up her stuff after that she left the computer lab and went for lunch. Unlike many other kids who purchase their lunch at school she carries her own lunch from home, she didn't really like the school's lunch because the school lunch was not so appetizing to her so she never bought the school's lunch. She headed to her form class to sit and have her own lunch on her way to her homeroom class she saw a fellow classmate she had a long flowing black hair with enchanted hazel eyes with a fair brown skin, her skin was as clear as the blue sky. The beautiful female ran over to her shouting her name "Shirumi, wait up" Shirumi stopped in her tracks and waited for the girl to catch up with her.