
Her Unmatched Powers

She Ran down the dark alleyway to try and avoid the killers who were after her, the killers were still hot on her trail but she didn't want to reveal who she was as yet what was she to do. She bent the corner almost causing her to lost her footing but she kept going she soon saw street lights, just up ahead was the main road if she could just make it out onto the busy streets she could loos the killers in the crowd to make her get away. "Come on don't let her escape we need her come on hurry it up men" one of the thugs shouted in frustration he could not believe that he was letting the girl escape he knew his boss would kill him if he doesn't return with the girl, but at this point catching the girl seems impossible she had made it to the end of the alleyway and out onto the busy streets escape the men by merely a thread ."I should have stayed home but I need to find him no one else want to do it so I will" she said to herself as she walking amongst the people to hide herself from the killers...….

Sumiki_Jungi · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 11: Inside Shirumi's Room

Shirumi leans her back against her room door and heaved a heavy sigh, she then walked over to her bed looked at it then for a second then fell face first into the comfort of her bed. She lays there for a minute then rolls over onto her back, Luca was really going to be the end of her, Luca was her roommate and brother like figure to her he knows too much about her and so does she but it was not really like she could do anything to blackmail Luca because her parents and his parents favour him too much.


Even today he nearly revealed her true identity to people who were in the library, about five minutes later a loud knock could be heard on Shirumi's room door. "Go away Luca, I don't want to talk." She shouted from her side of the door as she kicks her shoes off also pulling the rest of her body onto the bed with the little energy she had in her body.


"Is this really the way I have raised you Shirumi?" A deep and rough voice asked from the other side of the door, the voice sounded irritated with Shirumi. At the sudden respond of the deep voice Shirumi jumped up out of bed and ran to the door, she pauses for a moment then opens the door and upon doing so her face fell and her teeth gritted at the sight of who was at her room door.


It was a tall muscular man he had black hair like Shirumi and he had brown eyes and he was well dressed in a business attire, it was Eric Shirumi's dad standing right in front of her she shifted her gaze slightly to the living-room only to see a beautiful woman in a blue dress and brown hair and hazel eyes pampering Luca like a baby who had been bruised and injured it was Mrs. Elliot Shirumi's mom and Luca's parents were also there as well asking him questions on how he's been if he was okay and so on.


Shirumi grounded her teeth even more at the sight of them. "Hey look at me, is this how I raised you?" Her dad asked folding his arms looking at her with a disdainful glance. "That's because you did take you time in raising or creating the perfect girl you wanted." Shirumi snared as she pushes her way pass her dad and headed to the kitchen. "Shirumi how dare you speak to me like that, I am speaking to you get back here!" Her dad turned to the direction she was walking in and shouted in anger at her words but this only lead to Shirumi completely ignoring his presence and the fact that he was talking to her.


Eric then walked over to Shirumi in anger. "Shirumi, I am loosing my patients with you." He stated through gritted teeth as his face contorted as he looked at her. Both Shirumi and Eric was having a full blown staring contest at this point as none of them broke eye contact as they looked at each other. "Come on you too be loving to each other." Mrs Elliot said in a cheerful voice.


Eric and Shirumi stared each other down intently with no sign of backing down from the other. Mrs. Elliot walks over to Eric and stop right in front of him with her arms folded and looking at him with a serious glare which made Eric immediately look away from her. Mrs Elliot then turn to her daughter and gave her a loving hug but, Shirumi didn't hug her back though she just stood there like a plastic doll unable to move in anyway at all, however Mrs Elliot didn't let her go though she wanted Shirumi to hug her back before she let's go but she didn't even flinch in anyway it was almost as if she was trying to ignore her mother

, she nudges her trying to get Shirumi to hug her back but she just stood there with a blank expressing, she then pushed her mouth away and walked away Mrs Elliot was shocked to see this behaviour coming from her this was not something she was used to seeing from Shirumi.


"Shirumi dear, what's wrong your always hugging me back."she asked in a worried tone that would genuinely make anyone feel guilty for their actions but, not Shirumi she simply stops in her track looks at her mother then turns away this causes her dad to take immediate action to this he walks right in her way and stops her. "You can't just walk away from your mouth."He said looking her dead in the eye, "Of course I can, and I just did."Out of pure anger Eric raised his hand and hit Shirumi hard across the face leaving a red hand print in it wake.


Everyone in the room was shocked at Eric's action "Shirumi!"Luca called out as he ran over to her, Shirumi's head had made a sharp right turn when she received the hit with her check red and a little tingling feeling could be felt on her check."Eric you didn't need to do that."Mrs Elliot said sternly as she went over to him and began pulling him by the ear into a corner of the room as she began to lecture him about hitting Shirumi, Shirumi on the other hand didn't seem to have flinched from the hit she just stood there while Luca's mom places a face bandage on the hand print mark on her face Luca hugged her upon seeing her state, what was he to do to comfort her?

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