
Her Unforgotten First Love

Meliza "Iza" Lizondra was taught by her mother to use her beauty and intelligence to find true love, and she warned Iza never to fall in love with a man from a low-income family. Even the people she thought were her friends called her a user and social climber; Meliza didn't care; her family came first until she met Ethan and fell in love harder than Iza thought she could ever love someone. Ethan Almendraz, the heartthrob overindulge heir of their family’s wealth, was sent by his father to Adriana’s farm as punishment for being hard-headed to work as a farm hand and not being allowed to tell anyone his true identity. Then, he met the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, Meliza, and for the first time, the Heir of his father's empire fell in love, but too bad, Iza only wanted to date someone who was loaded with money, and Ethan couldn't tell her who he was. Excerpt: "Iza, please, don't do this; I love you so much. I never felt this way to anyone; this was the first time I badly needed someone in my life. Give me a little time, and you will live in luxury." Ethan begged after Meliza handed him the engagement ring he had given her. "I am sorry, Ethan. I don't love you, and I can't marry someone like you," Meliza responded with tears in her eyes and left, running to the white car waiting for her while Ethan was running after Iza, calling her name. One day, Meliza was invited to attend her best friend's wedding in a place she didn't want to return to because of unwanted memories that kept haunting her, and she was on the run because of Ethan’s fault. Ethan was invited to the same wedding and wanted to make Meliza pay for the price of breaking his heart. The wedding was the best opportunity for him to show Iza who he really was. And he planned to play with her heart and break it just like what she did with his heart five years ago. They both hate and call each other a liar but can't deny the intense attraction that had always been there. Can Ethan resist the woman responsible for his broken heart, who looks more beautiful and hotter than ever? Can Meliza forgive Ethan? Will love prevail over hate?

sirenbeauty · Urban
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46 Chs

Hopeless And Alone

Meliza's POV

Mom got out of my stepfather's study, and I followed behind, feeling the heaviness of my heart. I walked in the hallways while I felt dizzy as I realized it would be the end of my happy days. I climbed the stairways feeling so lost and confused about what to do.

I collapsed on my bed, groaning, curled my fists, and punched the bed. I stopped hitting the mattress when I suddenly realized I still had time to flee. I needed to leave Fred's estate undetected.

I was unhappy that I needed to leave without Jessa and Mom, but I realized my mom didn't even care if Fred would force me to marry someone I didn't even know, and worse, older than me by thirty-one years.

I didn't even want to have a boyfriend after Ethan; how much more to get married? I hastily got up and pulled out my bag from the cabinet; I needed to travel light, and I couldn't bring a suitcase, knowing I would be running away from home.

I knew my stepfather would look for me if I left the place; all I needed to do was get ready and look for the perfect opportunity to flee.

I am now an adult and no longer afraid to face the world; for me, I love my freedom more than living in luxury and becoming a trophy wife for some billionaire. I want to make my name someday. I didn't need a man to enjoy my life.

I put my essential documents and some clothes in my backpack with determination to be free and leave my stepfather's estate, whatever it takes.

I heard thumping on my door, and I quickly hid my backpack under the bed.

"I am sorry, my dear; I know what you are thinking right now, but you are not selfish, Iza; even if you seemed cold on the outside, I am certain you have a pure soul, and you will help your stepdad." My mother said right after she got inside my room.

"Mom, there is no way I will marry Eli; I am sorry. I am happy and excited to have another sibling, but I want to be free, Mom; how about my dreams?" I asked, feeling frustrated about what was happening with my life.

"All your dreams will come true once you marry Elijah, Iza; your life will be amazing by the time you will be his wife. You can travel the whole world with him and enjoy your life. You don't need to live in a rundown apartment again." My mother replied.

"I want to travel the world with you, Mom," I responded in more than a whisper as I realized it was hopeless to continue talking with my mother when her mind was closed and blinded by her love for Fred.

"You need to get ready, my dear; you should be the most beautiful bride on your wedding day," my mom said as she caressed my face, but she betrayed me. She was the only one who could help me, but she turned her back on me.

I smiled as I nodded my head.

"I know you can't stand me, don't forget to eat dinner with us later." She added.

"Mom, I wanted to eat here in my room," I replied.

"I understand you, my dear; I will ask Gracie to bring your dinner later." My mom said with a wide grin and left my room humming her favorite song. I needed to pretend I was with them before I lost my chance of escaping.

I thought Fred cared about me and he loved me like his own daughter, but I was wrong. I felt hurt and disappointed since he forced me to marry that businessman, even if it was against my will.

I could feel the excruciating pain in my heart as I remembered my conversation with my mother. I couldn't believe she would go along with Fred's scheme. We used to be buddies and besties, and we always ran away together as a family; I always thought my mom would choose me over her husband.

My mom was determined to stay on the estate even if it meant I would suffer by marrying someone I didn't even know. I am still struggling with my breakup with Ethan. I wasn't over him, and now, another turmoil comes my way.

I looked at my room with sadness. I loved my bedroom since I spent most of my free time on my bed reading my favorite books. I felt so glad my stepdad got a massive library since I love books, and most of the books are my favorites. Who could have thought Fred would lose everything in one blink of an eye?

I sighed heavily as I sat at the edge of my four-poster bed; I was holding on to the bedpost as my eyes wandered around my room, and I couldn't deny I was enjoying my stay at Fred's place.

I wouldn't say I liked the idea that I fought with my mother and I had to leave everything behind. I couldn't tell anyone I was going, not even Jessa. I can't risk ruining my plan.

I felt bored and stood up and walked towards the balcony of my room. I could tell it was about to rain since the sky was overcast, and I couldn't help but feel gloomy.

I didn't know how long I was watching the employees of my stepfather busy working in the fields until the darkness enveloped the earth, and the entire estate turned quiet as they disappeared on the ground when it started to rain.

I shivered, and when I saw the lightning flashing in the sky, followed by the thunder, it was my cue to get back inside my room. I closed the windows and spread out the curtains so I would not see the lightning that almost made me jump on my feet.

I realized it wasn't the best time to leave since I would be soaked, yet it gave me the idea that I could go away from the estate freely, knowing there would be no one outside at this time when I could still hear the heavy rain continue pouring from the sky.

Taylor was texting me, and I felt guilty I didn't reply. He didn't need to know about my plans since I feared he would betray me, too. In times like this, when I didn't know who could be my allies, I needed to be careful.

I couldn't trust anyone, even my friend, Graciela; we spent so many times together, but knowing my stepdad was the estate owner, I was hesitant to share my plans with Gracie since there would be a chance she would side with my stepfather. I needed to be alert at all times.

"Hi, are you okay now?" I turned my head as I heard my friend talking to me. Graciela was standing beside me; I must have spaced out that I didn't notice Gracie entering my room.

"Hi," I responded as I tried to smile at my friend and wondered why she knew I was not okay.

"I think you should eat dinner before the food turns cold." She stated.

"Did you bring me food?" I asked.

"Yes, and it is on your table; my mother made you chicken soup," she responded as she smiled at me, and I felt glad I chose not to be so attached to Graciela, or else it would be harder for me to leave the estate.

I planned to join my parents in the dining room since I had been planning to apologize to them and make them believe I had made up my mind and would marry Elijah so they would not think I had a plan to run away.

"Your mom said you are not feeling well, Iza. I thought you got it bad, but I was happy to see you standing with your two feet. I could tell there was nothing wrong with you, except I noticed your mind was somewhere else since I called you so many times, but you didn't hear me." Gracie responded.

"Mom is just overreacting, Graciela," I responded as I tried to look happy and enthusiastic in front of my friend, and I couldn't stop feeling so sad as I gazed at Graciela.

"Well, our mother would always know what is best for us, Iza; you should be thankful she cares and loves you." My friend responded with a broad smile, and I couldn't stop smiling back at her even if I wanted to tell Gracie my mom was different.

My mom doesn't think about my happiness anymore since she was giving her husband one hundred percent support for his unfair decision. They both wanted me to marry a stranger.

"I wanted to eat with my parents, Graciela; maybe you can take back that tray in the dining hall," I mumbled.

"Oh, I am sorry, they left; Meliza, your mom, said they will be having dinner at Mr. Elijah's mansion." She responded, and my throat suddenly felt dry.

"Do you know Elijah?" I asked my friend since she must learn about this person.

"Yes, he owned many business establishments around here and was one of the most powerful men in the country. He also got business abroad. They said he was looking for a wife, and many girls like me are dying to be with him." Gracie replied, and my eyes widened in shock.

"You wanted to be his wife? Is he young?" I asked, pretending I didn't know anything about him.

"Not so young, even if he was in his fifties, he looked only thirty years old, Mr. Eli is hot and filthy rich, and there is a rumor that Eli had a son before he married his first wife and was still young and his son is damn hot, he is coming to town to run his businesses," Gracie responded, and I was surprised by her response.

"Why do you want to marry someone rich? Don't you want to marry for love, perhaps?" I asked my friend, as I couldn't stop my curiosity.

"Of course, I believe in love. I can marry and love him, Iza. I know you won't understand why there are so many of us here who want to marry someone like him." She replied.

"You lived like a princess, and your father is rich," Gracie added, and I felt so guilty that my father's staff didn't know they were losing the estate if I did not marry Elijah.

"We wanted to have a wonderful life like you, Iza; it would be nice to sleep on the softest bed and eat delicious food, drive a luxurious car, and most of all, people will look at you with respect if you are part of the elite society." She continued.

"I don't blame my parents for our status in life since I could tell they tried their best to work hard so they could provide us with our needs. But I know it wasn't bad to dream." Graciela stated.

I understood what she meant, but we have different outlooks in life. I am used to living in poverty, and I want to have and enjoy my freedom.

"Of course, Gracie," I responded, and she smiled at me.

"Good luck; I think you need to start planning how to seduce your dream husband," I said, and she giggled.

"I don't think he will choose someone like me, Iza, and a rumor is circulating in town that he is getting married soon." She responded, and my limbs were trembling.

The moment Graciela disappeared from my room, I was left dumbfounded; my determination to escape heightened, and I knew, even if it was heavily raining outside, I needed to take off tonight, or else my parents would force me to marry Elijah.

I was shocked when I opened the door of my bedroom and found out they locked me from the outside, and I couldn't believe Graciela hadn't told me she had to lock me up.

No matter how I pushed and pulled the door, I couldn't open it, and I kept shouting for help, and banging the door frame hoping someone would hear me, but no one cared about me.

I called and texted Graciela and asked for her help. But her replies saddened my heart and made me collapse on the bed feeling helpless and alone.

"I am so sorry, Meliza. We don't want to lose our jobs, and we love this place; I understand you don't feel anything since you were not raised here. I was not lying about Eli. I hope you will get to know him before saying no." Gracie responded to my text.

"You must consider the people who will lose their jobs. I didn't expect you to be selfish, Meliza; I thought you were kind and compassionate." My friend added.

"I was shocked when your mom told us you rejected Eli's offer. I am sorry, but I am done being friends unless you change your mind." Gracie sent another text, and my heart ached after realizing my friend must remain loyal to my stepfather for the sake of her family.