
Her two boyfriends

A girl named Emma who lost her parents at a young age. And got adopted by a rich family who had none child. In her high school life she went to a fancy school. There she met two boys who were rich, handsome and playboy. They broked almost all girls in highschool. She was a tomboy and a really beautiful girl and savage and strong.Firstly they were enimies but they becam close and get deeper and deeper feelings. They fight, hated and love each other. But some thing happened to Emma. That made everyone cry. If u want to know what happened Then read the story☺️

Yangchen · Teen
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3 Chs

The who didn’t heard the voice

While Emma was excited about the their parents told. Her parents got into the car accident with a truck. In hospital the nurse inform about what happened to Emma's parent and how critical their condition was.

When Emma heard this she was begging god for their life with tears in her eyes and the babysitter can see too much pain in her eyes.

They were going to the hospital but I guess god didn't heard Emma's voice. At last her parents died. The police took Emma to a home of orphanage and she spent 2yrs there.

But a couple came and took Emma with them.