

Val woke up very early in the morning with lots of energy ready to face the world. She freshened up and put on an a formal cream dress, with brown boots and a brown leather jacket. She also put on light make up and less jewelries with her purse. She didn't want to be the center of attention by overdressing, by the time the servants were coming to prepare her she was already ready to leave and that's why they like her she never gives them a hard time. They assisted her to carry her materials and products downstairs. She found nana and Charles already in the dinning room with breakfast ready. She greeted them and sat down to have her breakfast. Her assistants and the so called employers that were sent over by Mr Davis the previous day to stay in the house so as to not complicate the preparation of the presentation were packing everything that was needed in the van.

She was eating her breakfast in a hurry to avoid bumping into someone. She woke up very early in order to avoid him because she knows he is a sleepyhead. She was afraid that the commotion that was taking place would wake him up. It was only a small presentation yet everyone was running up and down as if the president was coming. She finished her breakfast and rushed out to wait in the van. Just when she stepped out of the main door," are you trying to hide from me?" She was glued on her footsteps by his voice. "What? Of course not why would I?"she said grinning after being cought red handed. "Well you tell me that," Cal said fiddling with his gloves. "And you when did you wake up? I thought you were still asleep and didn't want to disturb you." She said never looking at him straight in the face, trying to divulge his questions. ' here I thought you were still asleep, how foolish of me you are just like a ghost.' she murmured to her self while heading to the van. " What did you just say?" He asked her with a lopsided smile, " nothing" she said quickly.

Now she understood why everyone was running up and down like ducks, he must have threatened them. "Not in there you are riding with me," Cal told her when she was about to enter the van. "What you are also coming? Don't you have any other business to take care of?" Cal raised one of his eyebrows, "ooh what a traitor we agreed to stick together, I even postponed my studies for you and here you are trying every way to get rid of me. How ungrateful mmphhh!!" He said looking away from her as if his feelings were hurt. "No Cal I didn't mean it that way, please try to understand it's only a presentation it's not a must for you to accompany me there." She said in a pleading tone while tugging at his sleeves. " No this is not just a presentation, it's going to be your first presentation and I would never miss it even if the world is coming to an end." He said while holding her hands, "Val promise me that you will never avoid me or try to shove my away, never cause I'll always be there for you whenever you need me. You will always be my first priority, so you can always call me whenever you need somebody I'll always be there for you okay." He said with sincerity, he had noticed the awkwardness that was going on between them. "Let's do this!" He told her, " let's do this" she said and gave him a tight hug. He helped her up the car and buckled up her seatbelt, " don't be nervous you'll definitely nail it so don't eat yourself up you are a Davis after all." He said and went to the drivers seat.

They left the mansion with tight security escort Cal had put the music on to calm her nerves. They arrived at the Davis empire it was the tallest building among all . She put on her sunglasses and mask and let her hair fall to hide her face, obviously the paparazzi was present it was a hot topic among the netizen. They probably wanted to get a glimpse of the heiress of the Davis empire now that she was going to appear in public. She had already got different ideas of how people viewed her, they had even created a fan group account on the internet about her and everyone had different perspectives about her.

Cal helped her out of the vehicle and people tried to get close to them while taking pictures. They were like preditors trying to grab their prey, she even wondered what was so great about them that would make people go crazy like that. They were treating them like some movie star. Val placed her arms on his and gripped them tighter as they walked by. He placed his hands on top of hers reassuringly, it was a good thing they had lots of body guards. They entered the office and it was an open office layout, the employees were following them with their gazes. If they could they would have pounced on them, they were murmuring among themselves but one look from Cal was enough for them to shut their mouths. They were welcomed by the manager and Richard, Cal was well known for it wasn't his first time there. He was also familiar with the sorrounding. The rest went to the public lift but they headed to the private lift which is always used by their dad only. They stopped at the second last floor where the conference Hall was and where all meetings take place.