
Her Toxic Desire

He immediately entered and then he said “Goblin is this like a hobby of yours or something” I looked at him as he spoke, I observed his perfectly shaped jaw line, his body was well built with each ab standing upright like strands of hair. His lips was well shaped with his eyes placed in positions you could loose yourself in, he was still talking and I didn’t pay any attention as I admired this well built creature. “I am talking to you Goblin, are you deaf or something? This obsession you have with me is getting out of hand, that you now peep at the window everyday trying to know if I’m getting it with another girl?” he asked as he smirked At that point my ability to speak was restored “Who gave you right to enter my room?” “Who said it was okay for you to crawl into my window?” “And who told you you’re so important that I’d waste my time spying on you?” “Get out of my room!” “Get out now” I Shouted Although I did not want him to leave I had to send him out. Davis smiled and then he started coming close to me I tried moving back then he grabbed me and he said “You are not even my type Goblin” and then crawled out *************************************** Charity has lived her trying entire life being the perfect daughter, with the good girl attitude she tries to attain a benefiting future for herself. This however is until she gets into college,she then gets involved with Davis in a sexual relationship. although Davis has no feelings for charity, she keeps her hopes up and pushes through with her desires. Will Davis end up falling in love with Charity? or Will Charity destroy her perfectly planned

Gifty_94 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter two

"Hey Tiffany make me look sexy"

After the night I felt horny for the first time, I started having a rethink on my life

"Does getting a good life mean staying away from things that makes life interesting?"

"but I necessarily do not have to have a perfect life to have a perfect future "

All these thoughts ran through my mind as I kept hearing echoes of what Davis had said.

I finally decided to change myself a little.

"Hey Tiffany make me look sexy" I asked Tiffany as she starred surprisingly at me

"Charity I'm not sure I heard you correctly" she replied

"I said make me look sexy, I don't want to be the girl that looks naïve anymore, I want to look attractive Tiffany" I responded

"But are you sure about this?, What about your mom?" she asked

"She doesn't have to know, the look you'll give me will stay in the college when I'm going home to visit her I'll go back to the naïve Charity" I concluded

She smiled and nodded

"I love this new energy babe" she responded

"so what's first?" I asked

"First we go shopping" she replied as she had this unusual smile

We spent the whole day shopping for clothes I'd never wear before, we went to the salon and I got a new hair cut.

"Charity your new hair looks amazing" Sam commended

"Now b*****s we have a party to attend tonight and this party is extra special as it's the first party hot Charity will attend" Tiffany said as she winked at me

We got dressed for the party, I looked at myself and the person I saw was different from the person I regularly saw.

This new look was stunning, the short dress brought out my slender waist with my perfect curves, the dress was "V" necked and it ensured my cleavages were nicely displayed, despite it's shortness it still had this slit by the side that stopped very close to my panties.

Honestly if I wasn't the one looking at me I would have taken me to bed.

"Tiffany you really outdid yourself" I said still starring and checking out my curves

"When Tiffany works on you, you become a new creature babe" she replied

"Now "b****s let's get our f**k on and storm that party" Sam concluded as s we all chuckled and left for the party.

When we got there I started feeling insecure as everyone starred at me

"Um guys maybe this wasn't a good idea after all" I said to the girls

"Hey they ain't starring cos you look weird, they starring cos they can't get they don't seem to figure out who the hotstake is" Sam said as she gave me a reassuring look.

I gathered a little confidence and we walked right in.

We went straight to the circle of friends she introduced me to before who had made fun of me.

"Woah who's this new hottie?" The girl who made a nasty comment the other day asked

"I would really want to get under this one's panties, I'm Derick sweetheart" the guy concluded

"I'm Lizzy sweetie" the girl added

"I'll go get a drink" I concluded as I turned to go get a drink I collided with Davis and he spilled cold beer on me

"hey watch it" I said

"I'm so sorry babe I didn't kn… Goblin?" he asked surprisingly

I left before he could say any other thing

I went to the bathroom to go clean up

"hey Goblin, why did you put this on?" he asked looking at my dress

"I believe I owe you no explanation" I answered while still trying to clean the mess

"I'm talking to you, why this?"

"why is your body exposed?"

"who did you get dressed for?"

All these he asked as I wondered why Davis Garraway would give a f**k about what I wear.

"Davis you are not my father" I responded

"you know what you are right why I'm I giving a shit about this anyway" he concluded as he left

After getting the stain out I went to the bar and sat

"what can you get such a beautiful young lady" the bartender asked as he gave a flirty smile

"she definitely does not want what you are thinking about" An oddly familiar voice chipped in

I turned to check who was talking and it was the 6'2 handsome guy I saw the other day

"I think fate has ulterior motives" he said

I looked away and acted like he wasn't talking to me

Then he took a seat

"Don't you remember me soda water?" he said as smiled

"I don't" I replied

"give me beer" I told the bartender

"oh today soda water wants beer" he said

"by the way the last time I didn't get your name" he said

I still did not respond

"Well mine is Caleb" he replied himself

I still did not respond

"your beer ma'am" the bartender said as he passed the beer

I stood up to leave

"I still did not get your name" he said

"Charity" I responded and left

I got back with the others Davis kept looking at me like I owed him cash.

"let's play pick a kiss" Lizzy added

"yeah yeah" the rest agreed in unison

I was anxious to play because I had never had anything to do with any guy before , I've equally never kissed so how will my first kiss end up with someone I don't know?

"Charity are you okay with it you seem lost" Sam asked.

"Yeah yeah I am" I replied

"okay then let's get to it" Derick added

"you can't play this game without me you know" someone from the background added

It was Caleb.

"oh sorry man I almost forgot about you" Derick said

The game kicked off as they were all asked one after the other to kiss someone in the table and each kiss lead to make outs.

Fortunately, I was invisible as no one noticed me well I thought I was until

"okay now I choose Charity" Lizzy said

"what me?" I asked

"yes kiss ummmm Caleb" she said

I looked at him and he had this smile hidden in his eyes like he was hoping for it all along I could see the smile being suppressed so as to not come out.

"okay then" I replied

I stood up, he did too I walked towards him, I approached him and I went closer I could hear his heartbeat, he held me just as I was about to kiss him Davis pushed down the table, stood up and left.

"Davis what's wrong" everyone asked as he stormed off in anger

I was more than confused

"you still owe me a kiss soda water" Caleb said and left

I decided to go out to get fresh air I went somewhere lonely and sat

I was sitting when I felt someone touching my curves from behind

"where you really going to kiss him?" Davis said as he gently caressed my curves

He let his hands work it's way slowly and then it found its way through the slit and went up, he kissed my neck and my collar bone could feel the chills.

He turned me around and then his lips were on my cleavages, he kissed them like his life depended on it

"why would you attempt to kiss someone else?" he asked as his fingers made sure it made a statement in my vagina, Davis made me moan even more than that sound I heard from the window.

He looked at me and then he said "don't get too comfortable"

Then he left me there.