

Queen Annalise felt something was off. She was already making plans to cut the visit short, this place had a terrible feeling. After a night she had such troubling dreams. Spirits lashed out at her all night, desperate to be heard. Atrocities had happened here. Things were not well. She wouldn't linger, the Kelly she knew was long gone to madness. Two spirits in particular warned her against trusting food and drink given by the Luna, particularly wine.

The next morning Queen Annalise and King Harvey decided to join the pack for breakfast with Prince Kai, as well as the other Lycan officials. It was clear that no mates were found amongst the upper classes here. One guard found his second chance in the sweet dressmaker's apprentice. Annalise could read her, she was a good one amongst the pack. In fact many were, but they all held immeasurable fear of their Luna. Power didn't suit her at all. She had her taste and was greedy for more, much more. She made arrangements for the apprentice and her parents to be moved to the Lycan village. There were those guilty here, they'd have to be dealt with, but the innocents could either be relocated amongst the packs around, or go to packs of their own choices. No one would be packless if they so chose. But this pack would need to be disbanded. The Alpha and Luna would be stripped of their titles and likely face charges. The alpha though not directly responsible for any of the wrongful deaths and mistreatment was just as guilty in the fact that he failed to protect his pack from harm, even at the hands of his own mate. A weak Alpha was no Alpha at all.

Kelly was talking animatedly about the Alpha Ceremony that evening and the added distinguished guests and how it couldn't have worked out better. Perhaps they'd stay for this. She'd yet to meet the Alpha to be. He was nearly always away. She wanted to see just what he was about. Lucian she imagined wasn't too much different than either of his parents, and neither made for a good leader. He was mated she'd learned. The girl Bianca didn't seem well liked by the omegas in the laundry or kitchen. She could assume that delta's daughter fancied herself Future Luna and therefore took pleasure in ordering them about to pamper her.

She said as much to Harvey via their mindlink and sent their guards their orders to bed down one more evening and to keep their eyes sharp for any sign of treachery or trouble.

Throughout the afternoon the packhouse was again decorated and the ballroom set up and the whole place was cleaned to a gleaming shine. The omegas and planners buzzed about like bees in a hive laying out all the finery and crystal, the food began being brought in around 5pm to the long banquet table that snaked around the entire dining room and into the ballroom. She knew that every pack member from elder to infant would be there. Every rank, every station. But she noted, the omegas were situated at the back of the room, almost out of sight. They had fewer platters of food inspite of the immense amount of work they'd done. Annalise thought that the very least they'd be entitled to was a decent meal and time to eat it. Instead she saw the pack members demanding more of this or that which they could've easily extended and arm or walked a few feet and fetched themselves. Ludicrous. She knew of packs who treated their slaves better than this. Omegas weren't intended to be slave laborers. Not to this extent. They were the backbone of most wolfen businesses and trades. Those who weren't strong enough to defend often did more to produce goods, services and vital roles in their packs. She doubted they even had proper educations.

She felt sickened to see the state of these omegas. Meanwhile Kelly sat at the head of the table to the right of Mark, the blond-haired young man she assumed to be Lucian and the brunette beside him were acting like this was commonplace. She watched several times as Bianca snapped her fingers and ordered more wine to her glass or more foods to her plate. She was dressed in what could be considered a club dress, it was hardly anything at all. Far too much skin showing in the short silver dress that bared her back, entire stomach and stopped barely below her buttocks. She should be dressed to represent her status. Not like she was going to some seedy club on the Vegas strip. Lucian had his hands all over her in a truly outrageous and tasteless display of PDA. It was sickening. They obviously had no dignity in this pack, they acted like animals.

They went through the whole process of the handing off of the title, the midnight running and in all of it, Kelly remained Luna, the reasoning being explained that Bianca still had more to learn and would be handed her title the next full moon a month away. She looked royally peeved and would likely remain that way as Annalise could sense that Kelly had no intention of handing over the title anytime soon. She liked having the power she had.

They lycans decided to call it an early night in preparation to leave early the next morning while everyone slept. It was best to do it this way. Annalise wanted to get on to see the other packs of the area. A knock at the door had her dragging her hand over her face. Who could that be she thought bitterly. She knew Kelly had been trying to get her into a conversation all day, she'd craftily avoided it. But now she had no where to duck off to. Best to go ahead and get on with it she supposed. Kelly was going to say whatever it was on her mind regardless. She opened the door to find Kelly standing there with a bottle of wine and a blonde woman with a cane.

"Kelly, do come in. Don't mind Harvey asleep over there. He's gotten himself all tired out from all the excitement of today. Your pack certainly knows how to throw a hell of a party!" she said to the pair making themselves comfortable on the sofa.

"No issue and thank you for the compliment. We try to keep our pack's morale and spirits high. We find if we throw a party or two here and there it's good for them as well as strengthening bonds with other neighboring packs." Kelly replied. "This is Hanny. My right-hand woman and best friend. She helps me run this circus."

Hanny smiled graciously. Her smile didn't reach her eyes Annalise noted. There was nothing behind her eyes. Just an endless pool of greed and jealousy. It was clear Hanny didn't think of Kelly as her best friend in this situation. Her blue eyes held malice and distaste. As did Kelly's when she said the words. Whatever this partnership was, friendship wasn't it. Or not nearly close to it anyhow. There must be something else.

Kelly settled her skirt and picked up her glass of wine. She fixed her face into what she figured a distressed and sad look would be. She sighed and looked forlorn like she'd lost her greatest treasure in the world, in fact she had, but not in the way one would think. Picking up on the cues and playing along Hanny patted her shoulder sympathetically.

"Something the matter Kelly?" Annalise asked knowing well they were building drama.

"You could say that. A neighboring pack, at least they claim to be neighboring, I haven't a clue where theyre really located, came in and their alpha stole three of our omegas. One I was very fond of. Why she was nearly like a daughter to me!" Kelly threw on fake tears. "He just waltzed right out with her and her brother and sister! Like he had every right to!"

"Why on earth would he steal your pack members? Was she his mate?" Annalise asked

"She wasn't even of age!"

"What is this packs name? The Alpha? We take these matters very seriously. I will investigate immediately."

Kelly returned to her rooms satisfied with herself and her theatrics. They worked afterall. Now the little bitch would have no choice but to be returned to her. And how she'd punish the little whore. She would be beaten, then Kelly would let three pay for the rights. If she survived she'd be beaten again and then put back to work. The other two would be beaten and the girl though not a virgin would still fetch a decent amount to be played with as they wanted. Yes, it would be fitting. The boy? He was the key to the girl's compliance. She'd have him bound and use the whip on him until they agreed to her contracts.

Queen Annalise sent a note with one of her couriers to the Rising Moon pack and Alpha James telling them to prepare for her visit in a months time. She would investigate this matter stealthily. She wouldn't tip them off that she was looking for stolen omegas. One kept their cards close to breast after all when lives mattered. If he knew he may hide or do much worse to them.