

❤️❤️AUTHORS NOTE: Dr. Black will now0 be referred to by her name. I am new to writing on this platform. I hope you are enjoying this so far! I don't know if chapter's start charging at a certain point but I promise you to keep them as cheap as possible! Free if it's an option. I'm not here for money. I'm here for the love of writing! Thanks everyone!❤️❤️

Once back in the room with everyone present, Jenine rang for the Alpha and Luna Mae to join. Once they arrived she sat everyone down. A plan had to be made. First on agenda was to remove this object from Amelia, second to decide what the best course of action would be to deal with the ones responsible for its placement.

"So the cat scan has turned up a foreign object in Amelia's arm. Traditionally it's a device used to give women birth control in low doses over a period of years. However I do not believe this is what it's being used for. Amelia, I hate to ask, but please, relate your story one more time." Jenine asked.

After telling it again Amelia felt like she'd been through the night all over again. The shame evident on her face. Luna Mae wrapped her in a tight hug and repeated again and again that it wasn't her fault and that she had nothing to be shamed for. The monster or monsters who did this were the ones to bear this shame. She soothed her, demanded it be removed and inspected immediately. That left the matter of how to handle the situation with Blackfang for their treachery and black hearted treatment of their pack members.

They deliberated while Jenine removed the object in the operating room. She anesthetized the area and made a small incision to expose the plastic tube. The smell hit her immediately. Wolvesbane. They truly were monsters. She snipped open the plastic and found inside wolvesbane, a thin rod of silver and a few herbs she couldn't identify straight away.

She brought her findings and Amelia back to the meeting room as well as the items on a sterile tray covered in plastic to protect the occupants from its smell.

"As you can see, this is clearly wolvesbane and silver. As well as some herbs I cannot identify. I'll send them off to the labs to find out but I suspect them to be some form of voodoo. We know they deal in unsavory things. I wouldn't be surprised if any of them dabbled in magicks. And I'm sure that what they were found with, this wouldn't be good magicks. Dark most likely. I would suggest we wait until we know just exactly what we are up against before making a move. We should prepare ourselves for what may come. I also recommend she rest a day or two as there's no telling what the removal of this will do to her. The hope is she'll be reunited with her wolf. It should be out her body in a day or two." She said turning to Amelia directly "Dear, I'd say that the worst is over, but it's not. And I think you know that. You've been without wolf for a while now. This reunification will likely be painful for both you and Luxe. I'm placing you on watch and prescribing pain meds. It will be best if you stay sedated for the first day of this. Go home and bathe. I'll be sending one of my best nurses to watch over you." She said motioning for Roz to take her home and see to it she does as instructed. She gave Roz the bottle of pain meds and the sedation shot as well as an IV kit and fluids. She paged for Sarah to come and follow them. She instructed her to administer the pain medication first and an hour after the sedation.

"Sarah, we don't know exactly what the spell used on her was. She may become unstable or violent. Take Sean with you. You may need restraints. Something tells me that this isn't going to be simple. Observe the boy as well. I have no clue if they've done anything to him. The atrocities these children have been subjected to at their former packs hands boils my blood. I want to slaughter the lot of them. To strip a werewolf of their wolf. How depraved." She said with a shudder.

"I'll collect Sean and go now. I'll take a pager and phone with me should we need more help. I'll have beta on standby as well as gamma. I feel it wise as they may be useful."

"Yes, go and prepare now."

With that Sarah left. In all her years as a nurse she'd seen more than her share of injuries and death, but nothing got to her as much as what this young woman had been subjected to. It was truly inhumane. In fact, if the girl were a mere human she'd have succumbed to any of the injuries inflicted on her. Sarah shook her ebony head. The heart of someone so vile must truly be black.

Sarah was 39 and a mother to three pups. Her youngest daughter was just five. She couldn't imagine what she'd do if anyone tried to harm her. Or her brothers for that matter. She and Sean would kill anyone who dared to think it. She wondered about Amelia's parents. Where were they? How could this be allowed to happen? Was there no one there for this child? Or her siblings? It was sad.

Arriving at the pack office she went to the desk and asked for her husband and gamma Lloyd. He wasn't on border patrols today so she assumed he was leading a training. He was one of the elite warriors. She sat waiting in a chair her teal scrubs tidy as a pin and her black hair braided to the side of her head. She would never say it of herself but she was a beauty. Her caramel skin and ocher eyes were beautiful but her smile? Now that dazzled. Wide full lips that were nearly almost in a smile caught the eye. She was tall and carried a little weight around her midsection still from her daughter's birth. She supposed the stubborn fat just likely wouldn't ever go away. She didn't mind. Sean said he found it to be attractive knowing it come from her giving birth to his children.

She heard Sean and Lloyd approaching. Her husband still had the body of a twenty year old. It drove her nearly insane how the man could down three plates of food and only seemed to get more built. She knew he worked hard to keep in top shape. His dark brown hair has recently started to grow a smattering of greys here and there. And his brown eyes were still just as sharp as ever. He spotted the worried look on her face at once.

She pulled him into a room with Lloyd and explained the situation. Giving them just enough of the girl's history to drive home the points of worry. Growls erupted from both men's chests as they thought of what kind of hideous creature could ever treat a woman with such cruelty.

Lloyd shook his blond head and his gray eyes held tears. She was a child. Just three years his youngest son's junior. Those who'd observed Lloyd for any length of time would note that under his massive frame and bulging muscles, the biggest one of all was his heart. He was tough. Without a doubt. But a truly beautiful and gentle heart lay behind his buff chest. It was no wonder outspoken and head strong Lynn had fallen head over paws for him one summer night at a mating ball in her 18th summer. She'd locked eyes with a shaggy haired oak tree of a boy and lost her heart in one fell swoop. 30 years they'd been married. Four children between them. Had likely been more if they hadn't finally had a boy. His daughters were all mated down and he was a grandfather to two pups. His son and his mate had yet to produce a pup. Neither had his second youngest. She was still in Uni studying to be a nurse. She'd do residency in a human hospital before taking her place in the pack hospital. It was the way it was done. They need to know how to care for human mates of wolves as well as wolves themselves.

As the trio arrived at the pack house, they found Roz tucking a blanket around a sleeping Amelia. She'd been given the pain med and she had fallen asleep. Sarah administered the shot of sedative and hooked up the IV. Now they waited and strategized. The men would rotate throughout the next few days. Few trusted guards would be made aware of the situation for standby backup. Sarah sincerely hoped that it wouldn't go bad for Amelia. But there was no telling what the herbs were. For now she was sleeping peacefully.

Roz went to check in on Jessa around six o'clock to see to it she had a big plate of food. She'd made her a steak and some vegetables for both protein and vitamins. She also with the doctors approval brought along a women's vitamin to start rebuilding her depleted body. She knocked twice on the bedroom door and was surprised to hear Anna say come in.

Opening the door she found both girls with a tray of polishes between them and freshly lacquered toe nails. They were giggling like you'd expect to find teenaged girls. No doubt gossiping about boys and such. It warmed her heart to see Jessa looking so….normal. Like she was any other girl her age. Goddess knows she needed it.

She sat the tray down and instructed her to eat a little before taking the vitamin. She explained that the doctor said it was a good idea to build herself back up. Jessa thanked her profusely then asked her to help solve the tie breaker between the peach nail polish and the navy blue. It reminded her of her daughter. She should introduce them at some point. She'd need a lady in waiting. And she knew Anna and her own girl got along. Maybe they'd make a good little group.

"Your grace, would it be alright if I asked you to meet my daughter Vivian? I think she'd make a fine lady in waiting for you. A confidant, helper and possibly a good friend. Anna and Viv get along well and I believe you would too. You'll need a lady in waiting naturally and if nothing else everyone could use friends." She asked.

"No need for formalities. I'm just Jessa. JUST Jessa. I don't want to be addressed with such formality. Makes me feel old and stuffy!" She giggled "and absolutely! I'd love to meet her! Can I now? I need more girlfriends! Ohh! Call Amelia in too!!! Girls night!" She said enthusiastically.

Roz's face fell. Oh no. She quickly stepped out and phoned David to send Vivian up and then called the number to the Luna's office.

"Luna, I have a situation…" she said.

"Amelia?" She asked

"No, Jessa. She's asked for Amelia. I don't know what to say or what to tell her. I suggested that she meet Vivian and feel her out as a potential lady in waiting or at the very least a friend. She's in there with Anna now painting their nails and giggling and I know Viv has been missing Victoria since she got married, I thought…maybe it would be a good solution for both girls as they're essentially starting over in a way…transitioning?" She rambled

"Absolutely! Brilliant idea! Now why didn't I think of that myself?" Luna Mae said. "Perhaps I'm getting old."

"Never your grace. You're still as spry and youthful as a spring blossom! Puh! Getting old! I'm barely younger than you!" She chided.

"I'll be along in a moment with James. She'll naturally be upset and I'm hoping he's enough to calm her as I've sent Lloyd down to the airport to pick up Draven. What a surprise this will be for my second born. His bachelor buddy brother settled down. Now it's his turn!" She giggled.