
Her storm Her smile

This is the tale of a beautiful young woman who is rendered an orphan at an early age forcing her to the difficult struggles in life all by herself .a once beautiful young woman is now tattered and Haggard her beauty fades away leaving her name a lie.will she regain her beauty and smile again? let's keep reading and find out what happens next.

Favour_Obinna_8363 · Teen
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4 Chs

004 A brewd day

Beauty is in shock as she See's her parents she tells Sam to wait outside as she feels that the little boy would not be able to bare the sight of her wounded parents.sam sits down on a bench in the lobby swinging his legs not aware of what's really going on beauty enters the room in tears she goes to her mother's sick bed and cries out loud "mom am sorry" she says "don't be sorry my beauty it's not your fault" her mother says with a mild smile on her face" please take care of your brother I lo....,cough...cough..." her mother tries to say this last few words as the life in her is being swept out of her body.beauty is in shock as she screams out" mom....mom..." Sam rushed in on hearing his sister scream out on getting there the monitor attached to his father's body starts to bip... indicating that the patient is no more beauty turns to see that her father is also lifeless"nooooooo....."she screams out loud as she hears the monitor sound fading away bip... bip.....bip....bip... she falls on the ground and passes out.the nurses and doctors rush in as they have been notified that a patient is loosing life through the monitor sounds made."take the girl she just passed out " a nurse says as other medical personels run around doing one thing or the other.sam just stands there crying surprisingly he proves to be a strong boy as he cries silently watching them take his sister away in a confused state.he is also in shock but lacks the manner of how he should express he's feelings.he is later taken out of the room as the nurses wrap up the dead body.