
Learning to be free

She moved to a girls only higher secondary school after completing 10th standard. That was when she felt free. She felt completely comfortable to be herself. She started getting involved in more school extra curricular activities. She participated in several competitions. She won several prizes for extra curricular activities. She felt free. She felt safe. She learnt to interact freely with everyone. She slowly became an extrovert. In short she found her wings. She slowly learnt to fly. She was enjoying her teenage years. That's when he came into her life. A stranger who didn't feel like a stranger. Their meeting was by chance. He came to her school for an inauguration as the chief guest. Somehow she felt she caught his attention. She felt that he was looking at her among her classmates. She initially ignored it as a Silly thought. Well she might have just imagined it. But he saw him again. After school while returning home in the evenings, he would be there somewhere on the way. She felt that he was looking at her every time she saw him. She felt he was seeking her in the crowd when she and her friends were waiting for the bus to go home. Somehow without even a single word she slowly started developing feelings for him. Now that she felt safe, she dared to have those feelings. She dared to have a dream about the future. Where she wouldn't have to feel so impure. Where he would keep her safe. Those were beautiful days. When she added colors to those walls she had built. When she decided to lower it just so that he could walk in. It was just seeing him from time to time, from far away. Just smiles. Not a word exchanged. But she was happy.

Though it didn't last long...