
Her Sex Life

Cassie always wished to become an adult sooner when she was a kid, She dreamed to have a fabulous and extravagant wedding and marry to the man she loves. Like those couples she watched on Dramas. When Cassie reached her adulthood, She finds that life isn't easy at all and her dream...she thought, it was really just a dream.... Cassie's life track went upside down. All she just wanted someone will love her and cared for her, but she never thought, her life will become a mess...Totally a mess!.... Cassie had into many relationships but all of them were failed! They're just wanted to have SEX at her. How could Cassie coped up her life? Is she can find someone who will willing to accept her wholeheartedly? Accepting her past and loved her forever....or she will end up being alone for the rest of her life?

Starlady08 · Urban
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46 Chs

Sly Bitch!!

" Why you didn't tell me?." Cassie whispered anxiously worried to her bestie. The three of them exited the inflammatory and went to the parking area.

" That's part of my planned Cassie but this happens at you." Brenda said.

After Edward back, he already paid the bills and Cassie discharged in the hospital. The doctor said it's not that serious but he also said it's needed to be taken care of until it healed. They all walked out in Triage section silently and the two ladies followed his pace. As they reached the basement area, Edward press his key button and the car automatically open for them.

Brenda guided Cassie to sit down on the passenger and closed the door. She knock the glass of the car to open it down. " Bro, take care Cassie for me. It's your fault anyway, why she became like that." Then she turned her gaze to Cassie who looked blankly to her and she glance at her for reassurance.

" Aren't you come with us? " Cassie asked her. And Brenda winked on her secretly.

" I can't best, my car was parked not far from here. So, I'll let Edward take care of you. I'll notify our HR about this."

" But------" Brenda cut her off.

" Be good, Cass. Dr. Edward is good at taking care of patients. Right , cousin? " Edward said a simple " hmmn" without saying turning his head.

" Go now! it's very late! Bye Cass! Brother Edward take care of her! it's your responsibility, don't forget!" Brenda shouted at him.

Edward drove out the car without any sound. Cassie looked at the man beside her and he was still so quiet and never speak any words, always just nodding and then left the hospital building.

Cassie was sitting quietly and uncomfortably watching outside. She simply watched him at the reflection of the glass. He has temperament aura, he got a nice pointed nose, a sexy jaw, and long curl eyelashes.

Edward cough suddenly and said. " Have you done examining my face? " without looking on her direction. Cassie's felt embarrassed and touch her cheeks that she knew it's blushing right now. She didn't respond and move her body on side view to avoid Edward seeing her blushing. And acted as if she didn't heard him.

' I thought he's a deaf? " She thought and smirked.

Cassie observed the surroundings outside, it's not the direction to her apartment. She realized, she didn't told him her address. ' Damned, I was carried away. ' She thought.

Cassie swift her body and asked. " Where are we going? this is not the way to my apartment."

" Brenda, asked me to take care you and also it's my fault why you are like that." He said still fucos on driving.

" Just send me on my apartment. No one is at fault, it's an accident." Cassie said. But deep inside her she was so happy to be taking cared of this handsome man.

" No, I insist. I'll bring you to my pad. And you'll gonna stay there until it healed." He spoke in serious in command. Drove the car smoothly and hit the accelerator hard.

Days goes by so quickly, Cassie stayed for three days now on his private villa in the north. Cassie was doing house chores to make herself busy. Edward was out for some urgent work to the hospital this morning. So, she left alone and thought of cleaning the entire house. She was happily singing while sweeping the floor with an earphone on.

She didn't notice someone walked towards her and pulled the earphone out. Cassie was startled and turned her head back.

An elegant woman staring at her angrily and crossed her arms in front her sophisticatedly.

She looked at her from head to toe and draws her brows upward.

" Is this how you worked here? You are so carefree to do want you wanted to do,huh?! Do your job neatly and clean! Edward hates it when there is some dust all around the house! Clean properly! Give me your phone!" She shouted at her furiously.

Cassie was about to talked back when Edward arrives and saw the commotion.

" Andrea! " Edward voice rang all over the house. Both women turned to him and the woman just so angry now transformed into a sweet lady.

' what a d6ouble faced woman!' Cassie angrily thought.

" What you doing here? " Andrea come closer to Edward and hug him.

" I came here because I missed you. " Andrea wanted to planted a kiss to his cheeks but he avoided her and walk to his study room. While Cassie excuses herself and went upstairs.

Edward walked straight and Andrea followed him as he entered the room.

Andrea walked closer to him and seductively say. " Don't you miss me, Babe?" Andrea hooked her arms around his neck and she teased him by touching his chest. Edward removed her hands off of him and walked passed her.

" Don't forget, Andrea, that we are done!" He glared at her angrily. Edward look at her indifferently, the pains she caused lingered again. He coldly treated her like an outsider, he still didn't forget what she did before coming back in his country. Andrea tried to approached him again but he move away from her.

" Make your way out, Andrea. And I don't to see you again." He firmly said and pointed the door out. Andrea sadly left the villa and disappointed. ' I'll come back again Edward. I'll make sure you will be mine.' Thinking about that girl awhile ago, she was irritable remembered her face. She has a beauty and Andrea inferior to her. ' I won't let her steal what i owned.' She murmured and turned on her car engine and left.

Cassie heard a car drove away. She sighed and walked downstairs. Her foot is still have bandage but the wound was about to heal already. She search for Edward and she found him busy reading the documents.

" Uhmn... Edward...I should go back now to my apartment. I can walk and it's almost healed...I'm sorry for making you two fight because of me. " Edward raised his head and ignored her. He only tilted his head and say nothing at all.

' Why I felt he doesn't want me to go and imprisoned here?' Her mind is at lost. ' But why?' she deeply thought.

" I'll send you home if you're fully healed, Cassie." He continued what he's doing.

Cassie uhmn and let out a sighed and then left him alone.

The next few days, Cassie was busy cleaning the pool, she holds the long handle of the net and scooped the leaves that floating on the water.

" So, how's your doctor patient relationship? " Cassie saw Andrea approaching towards her. She ignored and walked to other side.

Andrea pissed off and gritted her teeth staring at Cassie. Her eyes squint and getting more annoyed as Cassie never took a glance at her.

Andrea came closer. " Don't you hear me?! I said leave this place immediately!" She shouted furiously.

Cassie stare for a second at Andrea blankly and said. " Why should I? you're not his wife even his fiancée? Andrea, what a pity...tsk tsk tsk...what if Edward fallen on me? I can do more great in bed than you do.." Cassie retorted and making her more pissed off.

" Sly bitch!!! " Andrea knitted her eyes and furiously gritted her teeth towards Cassie.

Cassie smirked as she turned around and continued scooping the leaves. However, she didn't expect that Andrea will pushed her down to the pool.

Cassie was tried to swim back to the edge but her legs got cramps. She tried and tried to move her feet but she didn't make it. Cassie drowning deeper into the pool and drank a lot of water now.

Andrea decided to strode out in the villa and left without looking back to help Cassie from drowning.

' It serves you right, bitch! Rest in peace!' Andrea smiled evilly and walked faster. As she reached in the living area, she heard a car stops outside. She was got panicked and went back to the pool area.

" Cassie! Oh my God! Cassie!" She shouted hysterically. Edward someone shouted and he run towards to the pool area.

" Edward! Cassie-----" Edward stunned seeing Cassie floating on the pool. He run quickly and dive into the pool and rescue her from drowning. He carried her back and laid on the floor. Edward check her pulse and start reviving Cassie. He performed CPR and blows her mouth. He keeps pumping her chest until she vomit the water and hoarsely catching her breath.

Cassie stare at the man in front of her. It was Edward! ' I'm so glad you came, Edward. ' She murmured in a low voice and her shot closed again. Cassie unconsciously laying on Edward's arms.

Edward take her inside and carry her with his strong arms upstairs.

While Andrea still fuming enraged looking how Edward anxiously worried towards Cassie.

' How lucky you are, Cassie. Next time, I'll make sure you will out of my way!' Andrea strode out and drove her car away.