
Her Sex Life

Cassie always wished to become an adult sooner when she was a kid, She dreamed to have a fabulous and extravagant wedding and marry to the man she loves. Like those couples she watched on Dramas. When Cassie reached her adulthood, She finds that life isn't easy at all and her dream...she thought, it was really just a dream.... Cassie's life track went upside down. All she just wanted someone will love her and cared for her, but she never thought, her life will become a mess...Totally a mess!.... Cassie had into many relationships but all of them were failed! They're just wanted to have SEX at her. How could Cassie coped up her life? Is she can find someone who will willing to accept her wholeheartedly? Accepting her past and loved her forever....or she will end up being alone for the rest of her life?

Starlady08 · Urban
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46 Chs

Secret Affair

Since they've got back from unexpected vacation, Rex bring Cassie on his newly brought condominium and put it under her name. Cassie looked at the whole unit and amazed how luxurious the condo was, it was a modern European type and it's already fully furnished. She remembered Rex told her that it was already settled and there's no need for her to problem anything.

Cassie went to her room and freshen up, that was a long way traveled and she decided to have a warm bath, she prepared the tub and put liquid soap, making it full of bubbles. After that, she walked into the tub and feel at eased drowning her half body to relax. Cassie stayed there for one hour and washed her body after feeling her eyes about to close. She's very tired and exhausted from their trip. Cassie sighed and stretched her arms and yawned. She threw herself in the bed and thinking how she became like this. " I'm his childhood sweetheart, girlfriend and now his mistress? wtf!". Cassie murmured cursing herself and smirked.

Rex and Cassie's set up took five months already. The time flies so fast and they secretly having this affair. Rex comes at night and of course, it won't do if they don't make love. Every lustful night of him, he come and go afterwards, Cassie sometimes felt that Rex only saw her as a bed warmer. This isn't what she wants for them, she wanted more than that! but sadly, he just wanted to make her as his mistress and it really hurts. Cassie thought of leaving this place if only she can. Last time, She wanted to go out and stroll into the mall. When she tried to opened the door but she was locked inside. Cassie enraged that Rex imprisoned her. " I can't let him do this to me!".

She get her phone and dialled his number and called Rex. She wanted to go shopping just an alibi to get the hell of Rex, leaving him and starting a new life. She planned to go far away from him, he was so overbearing and possessiveness making her frightened. He was not the same Rex she used to know before, now, he was like a demon anytime wanted her to swallow her whole, so she came up a good plan to get rid of him.

Rex sends someone to accompany her. Cassie rolled her eyes. " I can go on my own. You just stay here." she told the man in black, a personal guard.

" I can't disobey what boss told me ma'am." He guided her to hop in to the car and silently drove away. Cassie brought dresses, jewelries and cosmetics. Since Rex gave his platinum card and its unlimited amount to spend is up to her.

SATURDAY NIGHT at Cassie's pad.

Cassie heard someone opened the door and she run towards the living area, seeing Rex sitting in the sofa, she walked towards him and standing at his back leaning her jaw to his broad shoulder. " You look so exhausted, babe. Having a problem in the company?". Cassie run her bare hands to his chest going up to his shoulder. She heard him gasping and groaning then massage his forehead.

" This is the time for my show!". Cassie thought and smiled secretly. She continued massaging him and whispered on his ear. " Want a whole body massage, your highness?". She seductively said and she still keep on caressing his body. Rex groaned to answer her. Cassie started to remove his suit one by one. She gasps looking on his attractive nakedness, her attention was focus on his biceps and six pack abs shown in her front.

" Babe, you still not get used to see this?". Rex teased her making her face heat up and became red as red as tomato. She cleared her throat and smiled sweetly at him. " I can't help not to mesmerize with this hunk in front of me. You're so hot babe and let me do my job tonight." She winked at him and kissed him hungrily. Her hands exploring every inch of his body. Then, she unbuckled his pants and undress him. His hardness exposed when cassie removed his boxers. She caressed his manhood and lick his precum and sucked the tip of him. Rex groaned letting cassie do what she wanted to do. He looked down before him, kneeling his girl sucking his shaft. He leaned forward and slides his hand inside of her nightgown and started caressing her big proud breast. After that, he take if off.

Cassie licked and sucked hardly then eat his two balls and teasing him by licking it inside of her mouth. Rex keep groaning and moaning her name.

" That's right, Rex. I'll send you the highest heaven realm and leave you afterwards." Cassie planned to seduce him and make love at him and then leave him in this cold room alone. She continued doing her planned. Cassie stands up and remove her underwear slowly and sat down on the table. She widened her legs to show her wetness in front of Rex. She saw his Adam's apple keep moving and swallowed. She played her clit and widened it to show him how horny he was. Rex come closer to her and hold her legs apart. Seeing her juices flows through her, he licked it upward with his tip of his tongue.

She gasps and moaned."Oohh...babe..

hhmmn...ohh..how does it taste baby...uhmm?".

" So sweet baby.... keep it flowing for me baby i want to taste more..." Rex kissed her clit and sucked carefully and licked it again. Cassie knees trembling and arc her body forward to meet his playfull tongue. Cassie felt she was going to cum. " Babe, I'm cumming! sucked it all!! ahhhhhh!!!".

Cassie panting so hard after she released it all. But looking at him kneeling down still continued sucking her pussy. Cassie moved her waist slightly, she holds tightly on the table as Rex still can't get over of her juices flowing down. " Babe, I want you now...I want you to fuck me so hard now...ahh!...oohhh....babe...ahh..."

" Later babe, let me stay like this for a while. uhmm...hmmn...mnnn..." he holds her both buttocks up and kiss her pussy hungrily. Cassie moaned loudly and screamed his name. She was going insane, she loved it when Rex eat her up but she need to end this. Rex is now married and she don't want to be a mistress all her life.

"So, i will give him what he wants tonight and this serve as a last hot erotic night and end this foolishness secret affair of mine."

hi my beloved readers! sorry to keep you waiting. I already done writing this chapter but I forgot to released this. heheh...sorry again..

hope you will like this and don't forget to write your comments. happy reading!

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