
Her Sex Life

Cassie always wished to become an adult sooner when she was a kid, She dreamed to have a fabulous and extravagant wedding and marry to the man she loves. Like those couples she watched on Dramas. When Cassie reached her adulthood, She finds that life isn't easy at all and her dream...she thought, it was really just a dream.... Cassie's life track went upside down. All she just wanted someone will love her and cared for her, but she never thought, her life will become a mess...Totally a mess!.... Cassie had into many relationships but all of them were failed! They're just wanted to have SEX at her. How could Cassie coped up her life? Is she can find someone who will willing to accept her wholeheartedly? Accepting her past and loved her forever....or she will end up being alone for the rest of her life?

Starlady08 · Urban
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46 Chs

Daddy's twin brother

Cassie went home late and tired the whole day working. She was standing in front of her apartment and press the password of her door and a click sound unlocking it. She pulled the opened and got inside. She saw her dad sitting on the couch, watching on television. he was not wearing a shirt so Cassie saw his broad back shoulder and a playfull thought comes to her mind. She slowly walked towards him and jumped on top of her daddy's lap.

Cassie giggle when she saw him startled and his eyes widen. She kissed him deeply and put her arms around his neck. They were both catching their breath and panting so hard. Cassie embrace him and buried her face on his neck like a baby.

" Baby, clean yourself first before we eat our dinner!" Cassie sit properly on top of her daddy's lap but the voice was came farther apart. She winked her both eyes and called her daddy.

"Yes baby!" Her dad voice was in the kitchen! Who is this man I run to?!

" Aahhhh!!!" Her dad runs towards her in the living room. The man covered his ears and knitted his brows.

" Daddy! w-who's this man? He really looks like you!" She asked pointing on the man sitting on the couch.

" He is my twin brother, baby. He is a detective working on CiA. He's the one help me track you." Her dad said and continued cooking. Cassie's face turn into red like a tomato. She was so embarrassed and run away to her room.

" Damned! I never thought daddy has a twin brother." She sneak a pick again to the man sitting quietly on the couch. " He didn't reached and say something about what I did. hmm?? for the first time, he did but nothing. am I not that attractive to him?" Cassie had a deep thought. "Wait! maybe he's a gay!heheh..." She giggles thinking about him. " But if he is would he work as a detective if he's soft? I don't think so." Cassie clean herself and take a half bath. Afterwards, she wiped her wet body with towel and walked out naked. She saw her dad's twin brother gulping and swallowed his saliva staring at my gorgeous body. She smirked and happily walked towards her dad preparing for their food.

" What did you cook dad? it's smell so good! I'm so hungry now." Cassie hug him from the back and whenever he walks, she followed his lead like glued.

Her dad laughed at her and pulled her a chair to sit down. But Cassie don't want to, she pouted her lips like a child. Her daddy kissed her and signaled her to sit.

" Marko! come! the dinner is ready!" So his name is Marko. Cassie smiled naughtily.

" What's funny baby? hmp?" Her dad asked her seeing a smile on her lips. She just shake her head and started eating.

" Daddy, let me wash the dishes!" Cassie her dad to go out in the kitchen. " But later, you need to massage my body Hmm?" Cassie winked at him. He nodded and sat beside with his brother.

" Mark, your daughter is fucking hot!" Marko exclaimed. And a hint of lustfull eyes shown as he peaked a glance to Cassie.

Mark just smile and got up to grab some beers on the refrigerator. He put the four canned beers on the table and give him one.

" So how about her mother bro? Is she hot like her also?" Marko asked.

" Yes, bro." He replied and gulped the beer.

" Whoa! You're lucky man! hitting two birds in one stone." He gulped some beer and slightly laugh.

A few moments later, Cassie finished tidying at the kitchen and walked towards them. She let her big boobs bouncing and sat in the middle of two man.

" Daddy you owe me a massage." Cassie lay down on the couch while her head was laying on her dad's lap. Marko was sitting on the edge of the couch while daddy did the same.

" Later baby when we finished watching this." They were looking seriously on the monitor and I closes my eyes. The couch is not that big so I put my feet on top of daddy's brother.

" Mark, she fallen asleep." Marko whispered.

Mark look down to his baby, she was so sexy.

Cassie moved a bit and hang her legs apart making her pinkish pussy exposed to Marko.

" Damned it, Mark! she's so fucking hot and sexy. I wanted to touch her core and taste her sweet juices." Marko licked his lip staring at Cassie's naked body.

" Just stare at her and jack your dick man. If you did that, we don't know what she'll do to us!" Mark said.

" But bro. She fucking a death of me. See? She shown me her glisten pink pussy proudly. I can't help it now bro." Marko touch Cassie pussy slowly and he did circular motion then widen her clit apart.

Never did they know, Cassie was just pretending.

' Yeah that's right." Cassie thought.

" Mark, can put my fingers in?" He asked my daddy.

" No! what if she will wake up. How we gonna tell her?" Mark said.

" Let's just think a way if she does see us, Okay? but now I wanted to have tour on her sweet pussy." He dipped his two fingers inside Cassie womb and penetrate her using his fingers.

Marko sighed and groaned. " Mark she's so tight. She gripped my finger so good."

And that time Cassie woke up and saw her dad's brother did. " Ohh... Daddy's brother, I like your massage. Just keep going." Cassie said.

The two man shocked staring to each other and a sly smile draws to Marko's lips.

" You like my massage, my queen?" He looked at his brother face still in shocked.

" Yes please..." Cassie said.

Marko did what Cassie want and Cassie hang her left leg out in the couch. Now it was more expose in front on him.

" How about daddy baby? where you want me to massage you?" Marko smirk and Mark saw it he glance at him evilly.

" Anywhere you want you daddy." Mark cupped her breast and massage it. " Like here". Cassie nodded.

" What you want aside from this my queen." Marko asked her.

" Just do whatever you want to do Daddy Marko. I want to pleased both of you." She said but still her eyes close.

Marko and Mark looking at each other again. Then they nodded as a sign of approval.

Marko removed his finger out and face down her pussy and licked it. " Like this my queen?"

" Yes, daddy. I want more than that." Cassie replied.

Mark put her head on the couch said. " Let's go to the room not here." Mark carried her up and Marko followed them after he turned off the lights and the television.

Mark lay her down to the bed and climb to bed naked. As well as Marko, he position on her pussy where he work on and Mark up to her breast and gently massaging it.