
Chapter-11 Ms. Riza Adores Maryam

At night, Ms. Riza reached home late. Mihran was studying in his room peacefully. Suddenly, he heard screams of his Mom calling out his name. He had had a fast reflex, so he got scared and quickly ran downstairs. There, he saw his Mom sitting on the couch, but shouting his name loudly.

'What happened, Mom? I'm here. Is everything fine? ' He got concerned.

She immediately stood up and hugged him cheerfully.

'Oh, my son! I'm so happy today. I'm so happy, love. '

'Mom, what happened? I was so scared. Why were you calling me like that? ', he asked while she was busy rotating him, celebrating.

'Sweetie, my mood's so good. I've got some news for you. '

'Mom, stop rotating me. '

'Oh, sorry. '

Both collapsed on the couch.

'Mom! What's happened?' He continued with a smile of hope, 'Wait, let me guess. Um... Have you finally found the Prince of your dreams? Is that the news?'

'No! But, I met someone! ', she giggled cheerfully.

'Really? Who's that lucky guy? ', he excitedly asked.

'A girl! '

His face ran pale. He said in shock, 'A girl!? Mom, I don't know how to react over that. '

'Shut up, Mihran!', she shouted. Then, she said sweetly, 'I've liked a girl for my man... for you!'

His mood was spoiled.

'What do you mean? '

'Keep quiet and listen to me... '

Then, she turned very active at once and said, 'So, it was 4 in the evening and i came home for picking up some stuff. So... When I was going back, I bumped into a girl your age. She was a kaurian. She was running after a thief who stole her... something. Ha! Why do you care what she was doing. Um... The point I want to make is... she was beautiful, just so fine. Looked sensible, nice, disciplined and trustworthy. And...probably that's the reason why I gave her my card...'

'Wait, what?', Mihran interrupted. 'You gave her your card? ', he asked in surprise.

'So, what? ', she chillingly said.

Mihran turned angry.

'How could you do that? You gave an unknown person your card? Uff, khudaya! I can't believe it. Do you even know her? That's so stupid of you.'

'Shut up, Mihran! I'm the cops right here. ', she confidently exclaimed.

'Oh, of course. Do you remember that one time you told me something was stolen from your police station? Is that even possible? I didn't know. '

'She's a wonderful girl. '

'Aww, that's so sweet... She could chase us, track us, sneak into our house and... and... um, what do they call it? Uh... Yes! Stalk us! '

'No, she won't. '

'Oh, so she told you already. '

'Kaurians are good people. '

'But, why are you so innocent? ' He softly said, '... Mom! Do you know her name? '

'No. But, I know these people. I could see her soul through her eyes. I'm 110% sure, she's a pure soul. ', she sweetly said.

Mihran became calm.

'Okay, then. What else were you saying? '

'Um... Okay! So, this girl on the street outside I met... She was really pretty, like an angel from paradise, super-gorgeous! Sharp stars-like eyes, rosy lips, smile like moon smiles, voice as sweet as Selena Gomez and let me tell you the feature you'd be the most interested in... '

'What? ', he asked and left a chuckle at his Mom's coolness.

'Her figure was attractive and sizzling to a whole new level. '

He started laughing even more.

'Trust me, she's the girl you are ever going to wanting to kiss. She is the one! '

'Mom! ', he insisted while laughing.

'I liked her at first sight and I swear, if you don't like her at first sight, (clicks tongue) I didn't give birth to a boy! '

'Mom!', he was completely done with her comedy.

'You're going to fall for her, get ready! Once you see her, she steals your heart, and then... there's no turning back. You'll be blown away, Mihran... I just want her in our family pics. '

'Your expectations touch the sky. And, let me remind you, appearances are deceiving sometimes. '

'So, don't get to "appearances", get to know them! ', she taught.

'Did you get to know her? Because I feel like you probably went to shopping with her. (chuckles) How do you know so much about her? '

'I don't really need to get to know anyone. I'm an experienced officer. I can catch a thief by just having a look at him, but you can't. '

He chuckled and said, 'Did you just compare her to a thief? '

She realized and went, 'No, no, no! You know what I mean! '

'Good night, Mama! ' He was so done. He went back to his room, laughing.