
Her romance

Bloom I locked my door incase jace wanted to keep wandering around the house. I placed my hands on her neck with hers around my waist then her lips mashed against mine as if she was trying to to flatten my mouth I hungrily pushed her back, her mouth Opened To mine and then I put my tongue in her mouth and she granted me access and deepened the kiss. tendrils of her hair brushed my soft cheeks and I held her face in place as if to keep her from escaping I worked my mouth on hers with our tongues dancing gently and our touches syncing. I pushed her on the bed with enough time to take off my dress and I pulled down her armless top. I drew circles on her soft succulent breast with my tongue then I bit her pink nipples playfully. And I heard her moan softly. I went downwards with my hands. April She's an high schooler living in fantasy and a big dream . She's in a phase of her life where she can't determine her sexuality with the opposite sex because of her past life and experience . She's a great gal with cool humor and when she creates a world in her head she lives in it big . She just wanna have fun and experience life . Her mind is her secret place . Please read I promise it's worthy of your time

DaoistvKS4g1 · LGBT+
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20 Chs

Chapter twelve

April 🤩😔

I got to school very late. But I didn't care no more we were done with all the exams and shits. Plus I'm going home soon jokes on them.

Leslie came into the class hugging me from behind.

"What took you so long to noticed I was behind you " she asked the moment she took her place beside me.

"Nothing just thinking I guess ?" I said back with a cute smile

Then the rest of the guys came in gradually completing our little gang.

Juliette came in first in her usual black outfit and dead facial expressions next was calliope with worse facial expressions, she looked like she might kill the next person that talks to her, that's definitely not gonna be me and then the guys came in together.

"What took you guys so long" Jules asked giving Allen a playful punch at his back

"You just came in, I saw you screaming at a sophomore on your way in" Aron said

"She even talked rudely to the teacher going to a junior's class" Arison said backing up what Aron started.

"Y'all are just weak" Jules said snaring her teeth at Aron

I just watched them unfold their drama again.

It's nothing new they Argue every morning.

"Leslie do we have any homework's" cal asked.

Well that did the trick cos they all stopped arguing and faced Leslie

"No I don't think so" Adam answered

"Who's asking you" Aron muttered but everyone heard and laughed at Adam

By every one I mean only the guys and Jules.

Adam and I didn't laugh I don't see how it's funny while cal and Leslie didn't budge it was like they are always oblivious to their surroundings.

"He's actually correct. No homework's" Leslie finally said


"Guys!!!!" I began.

They all kept quiet and faced me.

"She said guys not silence" Adam said laughing nervously

"It better be something meaningful newbie, I'm trying to read my note on organic chemistry and applied....."

"Shuuuush" arison said cutting her short

"Go on" Adam said smiling at me

"What's up apes" Yeah Jules still calls me that ridiculous nickname cos she thinks it's funny.

Well it's not!!! I glared at her and cleared my throat ready to ask them my question.

Yes the question, that question, the one about why my heart does a summersault each time is see Bloom. The question about why my heart skips a beat each time I perceive her very intoxicating cologne, why I stop breathing every time I see her in her very chic outfit every morning.

"Ok, here goes nothing" I began again "I think I have a crush on someone....."

"Oooooh interesting " Jules said rubbing her hands together with a smirk on her face.

"Let her finish lady" Adam yelled at Jules

"Calm down it's definitely not you" Allen said and gave him a playful punch on his back.

"Yeah it can't be you, your love has never never reciprocated" cal said and every one burst out laughing.

"April if you didn't know, now you know Adam thinks you are very hot and he has this undying c....." Aron was saying

"Guy !!!!.....you are crap!" Leslie yelled, hitting Aron on his head before he could complete his speech on Adams crush.

Wow this is a big discovery and an irony I'm here on this side trying to find out if I'm gay and cute Adam is on the other side crushing real hard.

"What's the big news" Leslie asked

"Wait!! I also have a secret to share with you guys" cal said

"You do??" Jules asked looking skeptical

"I think I have something to say too" Leslie said too with her head hung down

"What's with these girls today " Allen asked

"Y'all be acting weird at times" Aron said.

"They need to be laid !!" Adam yelled.

"Dibs on Leslie then" arison said.

"Dibs on cal and Jules !!" Allen screamed so loud I now have a ear pain.

"Dummy let's listen to what the girls have to say" Aron said looking serious.

"Yippie!!!! Way to go fun killer" Allen said in the most Sarcastic way ever


After wasting a lot of time arguing and casting lots on who's gonna spill the bag about their big secret first.

I had a lot of time to think about my confession since I'm going last.

"Aheeem" Cals cleared her throat loudly

"Last month during our usual late date nights I had a one night stand with Jules" she began "though I was drunk but we kept having several one night stands on the stance that we were drunk" she continued looking around "well I think I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level" she stood up and went to sit on Jules lap.

Everyone just kept staring From Jules to cal. Cos what the actual fuck !!!!!!!

"Calliope, are you sure you have human feelings?" Allen questioned and turned to face her.

Even Leslie was struck dumb with the confession cos she kept shuttering her words and ended up saying nothing.

"The fact that Juliette can find love means there's hope for me" Adam said facing me.

Wait why's he facing me!!!! I broke the eye contact and faced the other side terrified of what he might do.

"You guys should not judge them. They are actually perfect together calliope is a evil nerd who loves pink and Juliette is a mean high schooler who's closet is filled with black." Allen began one of his annoying long speeches on what doesn't concern him. "Trust me if they don't date each other no one is gonna date them. Their Hearts are covered in black" he continued. "And ..."

"Yeah he's right every one is school

is sacred of calliope. How can you wear pink and still be mean" Aron chipped in cutting Allen's speech short.

"Mrs molly isn't scared though" Adam

Said and earn a laugh from us. This time

Around we laughed with him not at him.

Jules cleared her throat in a rather weird and annoying way and began "Y'all realize We are sitting right here" she just ignored us and faced the pink girl sitting on her lap "Calliope Martins will you be my girlfriend ?" Jules asked her

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend Juliette Harris"

Cal said with tears in her eyes.

"I'lld kiss you but the principal or miss molly would get the news in a minute" Jules said and laughed.

That's actually so cute, it's the first time I've seen calliope with any other emotion other than seriousness and zeal to murder someone. She's definitely perfect for Jules just that Jules on the other hand never takes things serious. Well she takes being a bully serious that's enough I guess.

"My turn!!" Leslie said cutting me short in my train of thought "I didn't break up with Sarah at all It was a lie all along" she started "And after our plan to see who dates April first I fell for her like for real"

She stopped to look into my eye.

"I'm truly confused" she confessed and placed her head in her hand.

In a way that says 'April just date me or else I'll die' yep that's how she looked

..... Awkward... I thought inwardly

Leslie hasn't found herself yet. All her focus is on her studies and being with this group of friends. I'm sure the moment I leave this school she's gonna forget about her little crush for me and move on.

"It's your turn apes" Jules reminded me.

"Oh yeah" I said smiling nervously

"I .....uhnmmm...I.....I have a crush on Adam" I lied

"Oh mi gosh" Jules said In a funny Irish accent and held her chest dramatically

"What's cute about him" cal asked me with a curious look.

"Yeah what's so fascinating about him" Allen asked me.


Class were soon over and we went home well I went home with Sarah, yeah she still gives me free rides home sometimes.

It won't be news if she says she likes me. Apparently they fall in love real quick here.

When I got home I was alone as usual it's a routine now I rarely see my dad and when I do he's with Charlotte.

I sat on my bed with a bottle chilled vodka and a bowl of Meat balls with sauce.

I found joy and absolute escape in taking alcohol.

Honestly I can't wait to leave Boston. I've been caught up in too many dramas already.

I'm still in total Shock by cals confession so she's been gay all along.

Always claiming innocence and being evil.

Well if Jules can be in love so can I cos that girl never takes nothing serious.

Leslie is just one confused being I can't tell who's into books more she or cal.

And it's obvious she can't seem to choose between girls and books.

"They are fucking different gurl" I yelled for no particular reason.

I'm crazy I know.

Me liking Adam never !!!!.....

He's a very dramatic human I won't even be surprised if he makes a whole banner tomorrow asking me to be his girlfriend.

I can't wait to let it all go

To be back home where I belong

To be with my mom

To be back in my cozy bedroom

To be strapped in blooms arm again

Yeah I desire a lot of things.

Hard to be me.


After taking a nap and a cool nice shower I contemplated on calling bloom.

She did promise me free tutorials today

I need a gangster to love me better than all the others do and bloom certainly has the traits of being a gangster.

Not bad if she's gonna be my deepest secrets nobody knows. She can't be more than 19 or so.

"Slow down pussy cat"my subconscious Cried from within.

"Wait what !!!" I yelled back to my self "Stop interfering in my life" I yelled even louder.

"What if she's not gay, and by thinking this you are equally admitting the fact that you are sexually drawn to girls" My subconscious mind was at it again

Always bring a Debbie downer at trivial


It's certainly unimportant so I let it go and went to do something else.

I brought out my suitcase and started packing.

Yeah imma need a bigger box to pack my belongings, in less than two-three months I've acquired clothes for a whole year.

Sucks to be me.


Honestly I'm not even exaggerating when I say I've checked my phone like one hundred times.

Maybe she forgot our study night.

Why hasn't she called

Maybe she's still mad about how desperate I sounded yesterday during the call.


I hate being helpless...