
Her Revenge | BOOK ONE

Azalea (Lea), known as the 'Deadly', is a twenty years old assassin, who has had only one goal in her life : Avenge her parents' death. She's the best of the bests. She is feared by many. She was taking down every people who were involved in her parents' death until she falls into the hands of the Italian Mafia leader, Enzo De Luca. He is scary, cold, emotionless and ruthless. He is said to be heartless because of his lack of emotions. He kills without thinking twice. Just like, Lea, he's feared by many. What happens when The two start to feel things they've never really felt before? What happens when the most feared Don meets the most feared don? IG : actb4thinking

actb4thinking · Urban
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32 Chs


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of loud music playing. I glanced at my clock and saw that it was only eight.

Who the hell is playing music at this time? Wait- Right...Sean. I forgot that he stayed over.I used the bathroom and did whatever I needed to before making my way downstairs.

The dancing figure of Sean in the kitchen made me burst out in laughter. He instantly stopped dancing and glare at me.

"Whatever happens in the house, stays in the house." He stated, pointing his spoon at me.

I nodded my head, trying to control my laugh. "Of course"

He smirked before nodding, "Good. I am a Mafia leader, I have a reputation to maintain. Anyway, come on and eat breakfast that I generously made for you."

He pointed to the plate of pancakes on the table. I smiled gratefully at him before taking my seat. I then poured myself some juice before digging in my breakfast.

He stared at me questioningly which made me stop eating. "What?"

"No 'thank you, your food is the best'?" He asked, raising his brows. He's one of the only person I could behave freely around. I know that Sean would never hurt me, no matter what; so I can let me guard down. But around others, I can't take that risk.

Just like me, Sean behaves freely around me only. He never showed this side of his to anyone- ever since he became the American Mafia leader.

"Thank you, your food is the...best." I repeated with a smile. He broke into a huge smile before replying, "You're welcome. I know my food is the best, anyway."

"So why are we up so early?"

"Well you gotta train at eight thirty until eleven- of course, breaks in between. Then we are hanging out at one until three. After that, I bid you farewell, my friend." He said, shrugging.

Bid me farewell?

"Did I forget to tell you that you'll be joining the Italian Mafia today itself?" He asked to which I nod, raising my brows.

How could he forget to inform me such an important thing.

He sent me an apologetic look, "Oops! My bad.."

"What do you mean I'll be joining them?" I am not part of the American Mafia but I do not want to be part of the Italian Mafia either.

"I meant that you'll be going to stay with them today. You won't be joining the Italian Mafia, don't worry. You'll just help them but you'll still be part of the American Mafia which you aren't..don't worry about it. You're an assassin, you'll provide them with your help and that's it." He replied casually, "Now let's go training!"

Without waiting for me, he rushed to my own personal gym...which wasn't so personal anymore.

I washed our plates before going to the gym. Sean was punching the punching bag but he stopped when he saw me.

He flashed a smile in my direction, "Now dear sister, come on. Let's start."


After three whole hours of training with Sean-of course- breaks in between, I was getting ready to hang out with him.

Sean was two years younger than me. I am twenty and he is eighteen. My brother is two years younger than me, making him eighteen, like Sean.

I wish he was here...

I was interrupted with my thoughts when Sean walked in my room. I was wearing a casual black top along with my leather jacket and my ripped jeans with my ankle boots who were hiding perfectly my knives.

Sean wore a blue shirt with his black leather jacket and jeans with sneakers. He also had his gun in his waistband.

"Ready to go?" He asked to which I nod. Then we left my house and went to different places.


We returned to my house and sat on the couch, tired from the day. My eyes were beginning to close when I heard the door bell.

"Who is it?!" Sean shouted from inside, his eyes half opened.

I rolled my eyes at his stupid self. There was no way that whoever was outside would hear him.

I walked towards the door, with my knife behind my back, like always, before opening it slowly.

A man, wearing black suit, with black glasses was standing in front of my doorstep. He was armed.

"Who are you?" I asked, my tone serious and my voice emotionless.

"Are you Lea White?" He asked to which I nod. Nobody knew my real name except Sean-among some other people and he would never tell anyone about it. I had a fake passport, a fake identify card, a fake Everything.

"We are here to pick you up. Boss's orders." He said in his Italian accent which I failed to notice before.

"Does your boss have a name?"

"Enzo De Luca." He replied.

Wait- did he just say De Luca?

My eyes widened as I realized that I haven't done anything. I didn't even pack. I- what the hell am I gonna do?!

"Wait five minutes. I'll be right here with my stuff." I said to the man who nodded without saying anything. I shut the door in his face before running to Sean who was sleeping on the couch.

"Wake up!!"

"Who's dead?!" He jolted awake and glanced around quickly. When his eyes fell on me, he groaned before closing his eyes again.

"They're here and you need to help me pack!" I shouted. He instantly stood up and rubbed his eyes before following me to my bedroom.