
Her Revenge | BOOK ONE

Azalea (Lea), known as the 'Deadly', is a twenty years old assassin, who has had only one goal in her life : Avenge her parents' death. She's the best of the bests. She is feared by many. She was taking down every people who were involved in her parents' death until she falls into the hands of the Italian Mafia leader, Enzo De Luca. He is scary, cold, emotionless and ruthless. He is said to be heartless because of his lack of emotions. He kills without thinking twice. Just like, Lea, he's feared by many. What happens when The two start to feel things they've never really felt before? What happens when the most feared Don meets the most feared don? IG : actb4thinking

actb4thinking · Urban
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32 Chs


|Alessio's POV|

Never have I ever thought that I would meet my sister again and that too, in the same house as the De Luca Family.

I didn't waste a second and hugged the life out of her when I recognized her. I was confused when she cut me off and introduced herself as my best friend. However, I played along, understanding that she was trying to cover something.

When Lea told me that it was Vladimir who killed our parents and ruined our family, I saw red. All I could think about was ways on how to kill that son of a bitch.

It's been years since me and Enzo have been planning to take him down. Vladimir Molotov is the Leader of the Russian Mafia, the second most powerful mafia after the Italians.

The Italians and The Russians have been at war for longer than I can remember. But the main reasons why Enzo wanted Vladimir gone was because first, he was a threat and secondly, he killed Enzo's sister.

Vladimir is powerful and smart. For us to be able to take him down requires years of planning and power. You can't just be an assassin or a sniper and attack Vladimir, no; you need a whole fucking army. I may be the world's best sniper but I will never be able to take Vladimir down on my own.

Lea told me about her life for the past four years and I couldn't help but to blame myself for everything. If I hadn't gone to that trip then maybe...just maybe I would have been able to protect my family.

I was in another country and only fourteen when I saw the news of my parents' death. The Romanos were famous. My dad was the CEO of a successful company as well as the underboss of the Russian Mafia while my mother was a fashion designer. I was not in the country because My uncle took me to live with him for a while since we were close. But the guy died of heart attack when he found out about his brother, my father's death.

Nobody knew that the Romanos had two children and my dad made sure of that which kept us safe throughout the years. When you're in the mafia, you and your loved ones are always in danger, no matter what and my dad knew that very well.

I had no idea that my sister was alive until today. My blood was boiling. I had no idea why Vladimir killed my parents but when I find him, which I will, I'll rip the answers out from his god damn mouth before ripping his heart out.

When I returned home, to my country, I was homeless. I had only a few money with me that I saved. I was walking in the streets when I bumped into Riccardo De Luca, Former Italian Mafia leader, Enzo's dad.

He saw me as a homeless, poor boy and took me to his house. He was damn nice for a mafia leader. I then met Enzo and we became best friends. I would give my life for that boy and I'm sure he would do the same. Enzo was eighteen, making him four years older than me. That's right, I was only fourteen.

Anyway, My sister was the Deadly. Who would've thought? The world's best sniper and world's best assassin are related. Cool, isn't it?

It's been almost a year since anybody heard of 'The Shadow'. I decided that I needed a break because I've been on this for what? Four years. I've been the world's best sniper for four years and now I was back.

I was fourteen itself when I first killed someone, fifteen when I got better and sixteen when I made my own name, 'The Shadow'. I became the world's best hitman at only sixteen. I had go to off the radar for a while due to a very important reason which you would find out soon enough.

"You won't be able to take down Vladimir alone, you know that right?" I asked to which she nodded, "I know but now that you're here. We can do it together."

"Even then we won't be able to. We may be the bests at what we do but Vladimir is a powerful man, Lea and let's not forget that he leads a whole mafia. We are talking about highly trained men and women here. It would be the two of us against a whole army. Enzo and I has been planning to take him down for years now. At first I had no idea that he killed our parents but now I know... I'll unleash hell on that man but we cannot take any drastic step. Maybe you can team up with the Italian Mafia and then together, we take down Vladimir." I suggested. If Enzo had both the 'Shadow' and The 'Deadly' on their side then, they would definitely be able to take down Vladimir.

Lea was quiet for a while before finally nodding with a smile, "Fine then. But nobody can know who I really am, okay?"

"Of course." It's wasn't my secret to share. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat my dinner. Anyway, I definitely do need to thank this Sean." He after all, did help my sister.