
You guys might even fall in love

After lunch, Jia took her mother to the hospital.

"Miss Jia, your mother hasn't been eating and resting well.... I will prescribe some vitamins for her but she needs to eat and rest properly" the doctor left after saying that

A cold light flashed through Jia's eyes. Her mother used to be a foodie when she was still in Beijing, what suddenly happened?... She wasn't surprise that her father showed less concern towards her mother.

"Mother you should return to the Chen Mansion but remember to keep my return and identity a secret...."

"Jia I really don't want to return to that house.... It kills to live there" Zihua didn't want to return to the Chen Mansion, she just wanted to stay with her daughter

"Mother, don't worry.... I will be back to take you and grandpa out of the Mansion.... Just trust me" Jia assured her mother

Zihua hugged her daughter one last time before she left the hospital


Zihua had a happy smile on her face as she walked home. When she got home, Meili was sitting down in the sitting room watching a programme.... Meili noticed the smile on Zihua's face

Meili couldn't keep her mouth shut, she hated the smile on Zihua's face "Slut where are you coming from? Let me guess, one of your sugar daddies have promised to help you out right..." Before Meili could finish her sentence, Zihua walked out of the sitting room.... Zihua didn't care about the things Meili said to her, her only happiness was that her daughter was back and she was healthy.

Few minutes later, Yuan returned home

"Yuan how was your meeting with CEO Lin? Did he agree to work with you? What did he say?" Meili was more excited than her mother.... she really wanted her daughter to get married to Zixin

Yuan sat down close to her mother "He said he wasn't interested so I dropped my card.... Mother don't worry, am sure he's going to change his mind, he can't stop himself from working with the best female musician in Beijing" Yuan was really confident

"Hmm.... I hope so.... Even if he doesn't change his mind, don't give up, keep disturbing him" Talk about desperate people, Meili was one of them

"Of course mom.... I am never giving up until he agrees"


At the Lin Corporations

"Boss, I finally contacted Enchantress manager.... she said she is going to relay our message to Enchantress and get back to us" Manager Hu informed Zixin

Zixin nodded slightly at Manager Hu

Meanwhile at Jia's house, Lifen showed Jia some of her clothes to make a pick for her. Lifen had a dinner date and was really confused about what to wear. Jia just nodded at the clothes her friend showed her

"Seriously Jia is that all you are going to do? You are supposed to help me pick a dress and nod at my clothes" Lifen complained

"Lifen, you know you have so many designers dresses and they are all beautiful, am also confused"

"Whatever, I will just find something myself.... By the way, I got a call from Valiant's manager today and guess what? Valiant wants to feature you in his new music.... that will be the most beautiful thing ever, I can't wait for you to work with Valiant, you guys might even fall in love....." Lifen got carried away and said something she wasn't supposed to say.... Lifen was really excited, she had always wanted to meet Valiant and this was the perfect opportunity

"Lifen!!!" Jia got irritated as she heard Lifen mention love

"Am sorry, I got carried away" Lifen apologized immediately

"Tell his manager that we will be meeting tomorrow, he should send you the address of the place they want to meet with us"

"of course, I will call him right away" Lifen pick up her phone and called Manager Hu