
As Wu Jia not Chen Jia and also as Enchantress

Somewhere in America

Lifen and Jia were sitting in the sitting room watching the news when a news about Chen Corporation popped up.

Chen Corporation was the Chen Family business and it was built by Jia's grandfather, when he started having health issues Jia father took over the business.

The news revealed that Chen Corporation had secured a deal with a company in Japan. Chen Corporation had been growing from strength to strength after Jia left. Her father had kept on working hard to secure deals and contracts with big companies but he couldn't meet the standards of the Lin Corporations.

Lifen looked at Jia and studied her face. Jia expression was unreadable. She had lived in America for four years and had never mentioned going back to Beijing to Lifen

"Emmmm.... Jia don't you think it's time for you to return to Beijing? I mean you are rich now, your musical career is stable and you have everything you want, I think it's time for you to return home and face your family" Lifen started the conversation first. She was scared that Jia was going to reject her opinion but Jia response took her by surprise

"Lifen you are right, it's time for me to return back to Beijing and face my fears, the Chen Family need to see who I have become. I also miss my mother, I wonder how she has been fairing ever since I left, I also miss grandpa. Am returning back to Beijing, this time as Wu Jia not Chen Jia and also as enchantress" Jia had great hatred for the Chen Family after everything her father had done to her. She never planned on returning to Beijing but she realised that her mother needed her and she needed to show her dad who she had grown to be.

Lifen jumped on Jia excitedly and hugged her "that's the spirit Jia, am really happy that you have decided to return to Beijing. When you started your musical career, I started following your mother closely, she's doing well although your step mother and step sister are trying to make life a living hell for her, I also found out that your step sister is now a popular musician in Beijing, I was scared to tell you this in the past because I thought you would get mad at me, am sorry"

Jia broke away from the hug and replied calmly "am not angry with you so don't apologize, as for Chen Yuan and Han Meili I don't care about what they have become or what they are going to become, am going to take back every single thing they stole from me. Prepare everything we will be heading back to Beijing and also check for good entertainment industries that I can join, we will be living for Beijing in three days"

Lifen smiled widely. She liked Jia determination, she always got everything she wanted "okay, there's this entertainment industry under Lin Corporations, Emerald Entertainment, it's the most successful industry in the entertainment world and they respect their artistes, I think that will be a good place for you"

"Just choose an industry that you think is good, I don't care about the Corporation that own it" Jia replied as she left the sitting room. She believed that Lifen was going to choose a good industry for her. She never cared about the Corporation that owned the industry, her care was what the industry had to offer.

Three days later

Lifen and Jia arrived in Beijing. Jia used the private terminal to leave the airport. Nobody knew that she was returning to Beijing or else the media would have clouded the airport to take a picture or video of the legendary enchantress. Her return was a silent one.