
chapter 3

Velvette woke up from her dream. Noticing a man in front of her.

Her eyes roams on him from top to bottom then her mind starts to play with her.

With all force and stamina. She throw every little thing that can be thrown. Pillows, Lamps, everything that she can grab.

Her teeth grits as she created all this mess. As she created this scene.

He doesn't budge and was still there as he steps forward. Trying to touch her to calm down.

But she knows what he's intention is. She screams with all her might.

It was heard from across the hall. The nurses rush over. As she stumbled herself to the floor.

She is complicated yet wary of her surroundings

She glares at him with total suspicion.

That's when he realized.... He can't fool her.

Well maybe for now.