
His pride

I was glad the meeting was done with, I had had to struggle paying attention to one of the most boring talk of my life. Being a princess is a dream of many, but I can say it's not at all anything like a fairytale as many might imagine it to be.

All I could think about at this point was getting back to my room and relaxing before I could start packing up for my journey to the Duke's house,but it seems like my dad has other plans with me on this day,just as I approached my room, one of the maid told me that my presence was needed at the king's Chambers,and that could only mean one thing,some real scolding from him.Today seems to be a bit cranky, I hurry to meet him just to ensure I don't annoy the old man.

As soon as I get to the door of my father's room I take a deep breath and prepare myself for whatever layed beyond the broad doors,I hesitate as I knock softly on the door and as if it was my knock he was waiting for he tells me to enter and close the door behind me.

As soon as I step in, my heartbeat accelerates and am sure with the sharp hearing of pureblooded vampires my dad could clearly hear my heartbeat.

"Marcella you know very well that the kingdom needs an heir,and as we both know you are the only one who can carry on the kingdom's legacy,and that is through you getting married, otherwise we'd lose the kingdom.i wasn't able to get a son which is so unfortunate and I know very well that my enemies are ready to strike as soon as they get the opportunity that's why I need to secure my Land by getting someone who'll take over the throne from me. I don't have to remind you that this title is not only important to me but also our heritage,we have to ensure that no one takes away this from us.You have to get married as soon as possible have lived for centuries and my time is elapsing so I chose for you the perfect match whose not only from a reputable family but also from my great friend who I know you've met earlier on,Shawn. ", Exactly what I expected to hear,and I knew instantly that there was no going back, whether I liked it or not,I had to be married to the Duke's son Shawn.

Sometimes I thought of how life would have been,living a normal life just like any other person, growing up, getting education, getting a job and finally finding the man of my dreams.

My father continued with his tantrums talking of how I dissapointed him and how I made him look like a fool and you what it's all about his pride.

At this point not even my mum could convince the king whose supposedly my dad out of his made decision. I decide it's better to do just what he wants.

I'm ready to get married to the Duke's son if that will make my life less miserable from having guards monitor my every move inside the palace,did i say that my dad is very paranoid,he thinks that am very naive and i might lead the enemies into the palace or even spill some of the palace's secret which might be used to overpower the king leading to his ruin sometimes it's like everything the king does is only for his good,he only thinks about his well being.

I make it out of the

I don't know what you think about the king's character but you can be sure that he only cares about his reputation and pride

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