
Her Obsession Is Me [New]

A child love for a mother is a pure version of love. But not all parents love their child. He gave her the biggest give he could ever give and... He hope to make her smile. Now he starts his new life to understand happiness in a new world of pokemon. If the artist of the cover want to take it down, just tell me. I don't own anything other that the mc. There will a lot of manipulation and yandere vibe. Some sprinkle of lewd and a bit of fun. Idk if it will be good so just be patient with me.

TrueDegenerate · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Hello fellow degenerates!

Yeah so as you know I'm still in uni. I will be gone for about 3 weeks. The uni forced us to visit a small village and develop it. My time will be limited there as it will get busy.

So I will not be posting for a while. But I will continue making them when this activity is over.

Stay safe everyone! Bye bye