
Her Newfound Freedom in 'Honor'

Zhao Yingyue was used to being a puppet used by her parents to increase their image. She was raised the perfect socialite and to marry into a good family. However, that was never anything that she wanted. When nighttime came, she was no longer the perfect puppet, she was 'Luna'. In the online word, 'Luna' was an anomaly as no one knew who she was since she covered her face when she played. She wanted more but never thought it achievable. That's until she has one fateful blind date that saves her. Enter Liu Haoyu. When in desperate situations, the two band together to help each other out, finding freedom and maybe... love in the end. Who knows what the future holds for these two? This story is about a rise to greatness in character and e-sports along with a main couple's romance and maybe a few side couples.

Daoist0rPN5Q · Teen
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44 Chs

Chapter 24: Time For The Show To Begin!

The next few days were the easiest that Zhao Yingyue had in a long time and was filled with much laughter and many smiles. There were no expectations or strict schedules filled with superficial events and instead was replaced with things of her own choice.

Every day, Liu Haoyu would send over some gift whether it be chocolate or comfortable clothes. She was always thankful for everything that he sent her and would always call to thank him.

They even started talking on the phone for at least twice a day!

She'd spent most of her days out with her father and she was able to dress down for the first time ever! Gu Yan and her mother were no longer trying to make sure that she only wore what they allowed her to—not that they could with her father now paying attention.

Speaking of Gu Yan, she hadn't been around much. Whatever Zhao Xiang had done had seemed to do the trick since every time Zhao Yingyue and her crossed paths, she would always flinch away and respectfully escape the situation without saying a word. It was truly a breath of fresh air.

Zhao Yingyue had heard rumors that Gu Yanya was trying to figure out a proper position for Gu Yan to play to remain by her side at all times since it wasn't as easy as it had been before. Gu Yanya was older and already had people in her employ who had been faithful for years. To get rid of one of them and replace them with Gu Yan would surely look a like a stain on her reputation.

The arguments between her parents seemed to happen quite often. Most times, her mother was arguing on behalf of giving Gu Yan some kind of benefit. Her father, to his credit, seemed to just ignore her and shut down all attempts at convincing him.

Bai Xinyi even told Zhao Yingyue how her mother would angrily stalk past her door at nights and always be stopped when she tried to enter. Zhao Yingyue had to assume that the woman's anger was causing her mental wellness to decrease since it appeared she had no sense of self.

There was no structure set in stone for each day and barely any need to hide her face on stream anymore considering that there wasn't really any need to hide at all! Now, more than anything, she just had to wait until the press conference so that the world would know who she was and what she was capable of.

All of these things made her days extremely peaceful and easy. She couldn't find a thing to complain about.

Now, Zhao Yingyue was excitedly sitting in her hotel room at the hotel where the engagement party was to be held. Her parents had already left to go greet the guests while she waited for Liu Haoyu to come to her room so that they could make their entrance together.

She had been so excited for this long awaited day. Not only had she not seen Liu Haoyu since the dinner, but she also knew that the grand plan was supposed to go down that night. Whatever the intricacies were, she was ready to watch it all go down, too.

Aside from all the schemes, Zhao Yingyue did have to admit that she loved her dress. It had a midnight blue base color but had almost an ombre starry sky as it trailed down. The further you looked down the skirt, the more prominent the galaxy became.

The straps sagged elegantly off her shoulders which made Zhao Yingyue think of some of the fairy tale princesses.

Her hair was half up, half down, with some small rhinestones laced throughout the part that was tied up. It made her hair glimmer when the light hit it. Though she had made the stylist take some of them out when she was going overboard, she could still feel the weight weighing on her head.

A knock resounded at the door followed by Liu Haoyu's voice.

"Darling, I'm here. I hope you're ready. It's time for us to make our entrance."

Zhao Yingyue quickly made her way to the door and opened it.

Once the door opened, Liu Haoyu paused and his mouth fell agape. He was staring at such a beauty. While Zhao Yingyue looked good every day, this outfit did everything for her.

His eyes trailed down and back up to her blue eyes.


Zhao Yingyue blushed from embarrassment and turned her head to the side. She knew how she looked and was used to compliments but that one word from him, specifically. had completely made her day.

She shyly responded, "Thank you."

She then peaked out of the corner of her eye to admire him, too. He wore a dark blue suit with what looked like diamond buttons. He also had his hair gelled and styled perfectly.

"You look really handsome, too!"

Liu Haoyu first was shocked to hear her compliment him back and it showed on his face for a few seconds. Then, he smiled.

Zhao Yingyue found herself swooning at the beautiful display. The man truly was charming and the dimples that exposed themselves when he smiled were quickly becoming a new weakness of hers. Why did he have to be so handsome?

"Hearing that from my fiancé sure does make me happy."

Why this guy...

Zhao Yingyue pushed past him as she quickly made her way toward the elevators to avoid any further teasing. She almost didn't care if he followed behind her. If he didn't behave, she'd have him entering the venue on his own.

Liu Haoyu followed behind her as he chuckled. He found her embarrassment to be quite cute. Her nose would always flare up as she tried to cover her blush.

With reactions like that, how could he not love teasing her!

Zhao Yingyue chose to playfully ignore him the entire way to the event room as some sort of playful punishment. She knew that he probably thought it was funny though.

However, as they approached the door, her excitement became joined by nerves. She was kind of nervous to step out beside such an amazing man in front of who she could only assume were the most influential people in the city, if not the whole country.

"Liu Haoyu, I think I'm suddenly feeling nervous. I know who my family likely invited but I also know that your family invited people even more important than my family."

After all, his family likely could reach the people the her family only dreamed to be acquainted with. It was hard not to feel pressured considering that.

Liu Haoyu turned to her and gently grabbed her hands in his.

"Don't worry about it. They don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Our marriage is you and me and no one else. Who would dare bother someone who's soon to be a member of the Liu family? And if they asked my mother, she would say that you already are."

Zhao Yingyue shifted on her feet before nodding softly and smiling. He was right. No matter what, nothing changed who she was and what she was going to do. Anyone who tried would surely be crushed.

Liu Haoyu took that as a sign to turn back to the front—only leaving her left hand in his right hand. He had meant every word. If any of these people dared to actually bother her, though, he would surely make sure they suffer for it! And that was if his mother wasn't witness to the situation.

He then nodded toward the employee who stood by the door. The employee, in response, pushed the door open.

Zhao Yingyue shook her hand free from his and instead wrapped her arm around his instead. That position felt much more comfortable and safe. It also was an excuse to be closer to her.

As the two took their first few steps in, everyone stared at them in awe. While everyone had heard of the theme, none could have imagined how well the couple fit it.

Everyone who watched had to admit that the couple was a good fit or each other in the looks department. No one had expected the matchup though. the Liu boy had never even dated in the prior years and the Zhao girl was so reserved that they weren't sure what type of man would suit her tastes.

Hua Mengyao looked over at her kids with a gentle, loving expression. She was so proud of both of them and ready to show them off to all the people there. It was only a shame that she couldn't tell the whole world about them yet.

The usually cold Zhao Xiang had a soft smile on his face as he watched his daughter walk in with all eyes on her. Seeing the couple walk in, his heart softened a bit more for his wife as he thought maybe they could work through this. After all, she had been his love for such a long time and those feelings couldn't disappear so easily. They had once simply been kids in love, too.

Gu Yanya, who stood beside him, was still upset but put on a face of a mother ready to cry tears of joy. Instead, she wanted the party to get on again so she could introduce her Yanyan to more people. Tonight would be the biggest opportunity that she would have to introduce her in a long time, likely. She wouldn't waste the opportunity.

At least, she would be attending as Zhao Yingyue's cousin rather than as her manager/assistant. Gu Yanya intended to find Gu Yan a match that night.

Since her husband allowed her niece to attend, she would make the best of it. Of course, she didn't know it was simply because Zhao Yingyue had allowed it when she'd been asked.

Of everyone, Gu Yan was the angriest. She had no choice but to keep a soft smile on her lips as she watched her cousin come in though since her mother told her that if she didn't play her cards right, this might be her last chance to build an easy future for herself.

Once Zhao Yingyue and Liu Haoyu reached the center of the room, there was a soft applause throughout the crowd.

The couple looked around—making sure that every one of their main characters of the night were there.

After confirming that was the case, the two turned toward each other and smiled before they were engulfed by the crowd of people.

It was finally time for the show to begin.


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