
Her New Year Mate

Beta Aaron Keizer brings Diwa back to the Packhouse after being away for more than ten years. However, as soon as she arrives, a dangerous presence from her past begins stalking her and her newly found mate. Even worse, Di’s elder brother, who happens to be the Gamma of the pack, openly shows his disapproval of the union. Will Di be able to find freedom from her past while finding happiness in Aaron? And can the Beta be able to see beyond the bond so he can help Di finally fight the monster who continues to claim her as his?

Myrrh_D_Keizer · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

The next day, late in the morning, and after a very active previous night, two ladies woke up alone in their mates' beds.

Both of them checked their phones to see what time it was.

One rolled to lie on her back, wondering what she would do with her day, in a familiar place that she didn't feel exactly excited to explore. The other jumped off the bed and put her clothes on, so she could run to her kids since she could already hear movement outside her door.

About an hour later, both were wandering around the Packhouse, like puppies without an owner…

Until they found each other, that is.

"Siel! Rose! James!"

"Diwa! Oh, so happy that you're still here!"

"Believe me, I can say the same," Di replied, hugging her friend tightly. "Did you guys have breakfast already?"

"Not yet, V left me a note about where to find the common areas, but this place is so big I think I'd need a map."

"Well, you're in luck. You just got yourself one, and she's an interactive one, too!" Di announced as they both laughed. "Follow me. You'll love our chef's cooking for sure!"

And, as Diwa herded her friend and her kids further into the house, she suddenly paused as a familiar feeling swept through her.

The she-wolf glanced back, trying to look for something she's unsure of finding.


I'm uncertain about it, Di, since you haven't been to the Packhouse for so long… "Is everything alright?" asked Siel in a worried tone.

Alright, I should stop scaring Siel. This is probably a remnant of my trauma from long ago. Something I should be getting over now, for fuck's sake!

"Oh no, not really. Don't worry. SO… what do you like, pancakes? Muffins? Now that I think about it, I've never seen you having breakfast."

"That's because, not so long ago, we didn't have time for such luxuries."

Another laugh later, the ladies were soon walking again, carrying the babies, talking about food, and reminiscing a crazy boss they once had. They hardly noticed that outside the Packhouse, in view of one of the many large windows, there was someone hidden within the thick leaves of one of the trees surrounding the large property.

That said stranger was busily texting a report…

* * *

Meanwhile, at the boundary of the Packhouse's mountain property…

"I felt and sniffed out these unfamiliar presences when Di and I were having a run near this area. As far as I know, there weren't any of these yesterday. I came back to check and found all of them in different parts of our perimeter."

V was kneeling down on the ground, checking out what Aaron was pointing out to him. He was called to the northern border of their holdings where his Beta was checking apparent signs of trespassing that he and the warriors found while on patrol duty.

"And you found this, when?"

"Early this morning, right before I mindlinked you. Seems like someone has been around the grounds, checking on our movements. At first, I didn't think much about it, but when I noticed that there were several tracks like this all around the border, I thought you should know."

"Yes, thank you, A. I don't see this as normal either. With the celebrations, this could mean they're waiting for a vulnerable moment for a rogue attack. I'm glad that we came to spend the holidays here since this could mean trouble."

"Yes, I agree, but what did you call me again?"

V chuckled, raised an eyebrow, and displayed his most sarcastic smirk, "Oh, you know, just the cute nickname that your mate called you a couple of times during the bonfire last night. You don't like me using it?"

"I just find it weird, feeling like I'm a pirated copy of you… and people already say that we look so much alike."

Vince laughed at his right hand's comment. "I don't think you can copy me, bro, don't worry. Let your mate call you whatever she wants. I will definitely tease you about it!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Have fun. I'll come back with a vengeance."

Their laughter lasted only a few seconds as they returned to the serious problem that was staring them in the face. It won't do to have humans exploring the area, especially since there are indications that this part of the woods, mountainside, and plain was private property.

But if it were rogues, that's a whole other issue altogether.

However, Aaron was not sure if that was the case. "You would think that someone left these branches and grass purposefully messed up enough for us to find out. But why would they want anyone to know that they've been here?"

"Or maybe they're just naturally careless. For now, though, the only thing we can do is double the patrol, especially at night. I was thinking about taking Elena and the kids back to their house today, but I don't think I can leave now. Hope she enjoys my apartment for the time being, and she doesn't get too upset with the change of plans."

"Did you ask her to move in already?"

"I only hinted at it, but Lena assumed that I have already given the full invitation. She felt terrible preempting me, but since they get along quite well, Elena understood. It seemed a little shocking, but my mate didn't completely reject it. I planned to take it slow because she's not a wolf, so she doesn't really know what pack life is." "That's quite an understatement, and her kids being human, well…"

"I know. On the other hand, you probably already had that talk with Di, right? And are you completing your mating ritual this full moon?"

"Well, I definitely want her here, but you know Di, she's independent and likes her life, her job, her new house. Yep, I haven't asked her any of that, but you're right. Since she's a wolf, she might want to talk about the ritual and us moving together. After all, we're mates, right? What could go wrong with that?"

"Yeah, what could go wrong, indeed," murmured V.

Neither of them, the Alpha, the Beta, nor the warriors noticed that quite a distance from them, someone was watching. And he was now thinking of the many "productive" ideas that he had due to the fact that "his" Di is finally coming back to live in the Packhouse.

That idiot Brenner was too obvious with his spying spots. No matter, thanks to that, I managed to find where he has been gathering his information. And now I have found some important details myself.

The said werewolf, with the thick, dark gray fur, covered his scent and shape by hiding among the pines. What he didn't plan to hide was himself growing hard at the thought of Diwa Denar finally returning to live at the Packhouse.

It didn't even faze him that the reason for her return was his long-time rival… After all, he believed that the end justifies the means.

The maniac werewolf viciously stared with reddish-brown eyes at the man who he called the "fake mate," as the Alpha and he continued to investigate the area. His mouth watered even more at the thought of feasting on Aaron Keizer's flesh, drinking his blood, and even sucking his bones dry.

I'll forgive you, Brenner. After all, you've been more useful to me than you intended to be. 

Besides, it's time to start with my plan, and I need you for that. Very soon, the whole Silvercrest Pack will see that I should have been the Beta. I was loyal to MY ONE AND ONLY mate and was always stronger and more skillful than you, rival!

With a mighty leap, the wiry but very tall werewolf silently landed a good distance away from his position and shifted to full wolf, by allowing Xion, his wolf, full control. This left Kaiden free to gloat without worrying about effectively escaping.

You only got the position because you are friends with the Alpha. And she only wants you because you're the Beta. But you just wait and see, you fake mate…. I'll get what is mine when you're finally dead.

* * *

After finding seats at the long, ornate dining tables of the Packhouse's dining room, the two women and the twins settled down to a delicious breakfast. They sat on one of the window tables, Diwa's tray full of small plates with delicious fruit, cereal, and fresh cinnamon rolls. Siel had pancakes with fruit for the babies, bacon, and eggs, fruit and cinnamon rolls too, for herself.

Of course, this was the perfect time to catch up…

"Tell me, how are things going with him? I told him already that nothing should happen to you, or he will see my evil side," Di asked Siel while taking a big bite of her berries with yogurt and granola mix.

"Di, he's awesome. Sometimes he feels too good to be true."

Diwa shrugged. "What you're feeling is the mate bond. Believe me, he's not that good a person. He's naturally cranky, strict, a workaholic, an overthinker…"

"And loving and caring, and sweet… But is it really just the bond?" Siel interrupted with a little disappointed sigh. "He told me the bond made people want to stay with each other, but… I wish he would love me for who I am, and not just because of that."

"Oh… I don't know what he said to you, but the bond is much more than that, Siel. You're mates because you're perfect for each other, in every aspect. Even when you're mad at each other," Di explained, looking through the window.

"Well, yes… I do remember that feeling when I was so mad at him back then. And that was a few times, too." Siel said, thoughtfully.

"Yes, there is the pull and the irresistible sexual attraction. There is the other side too… There are those who are not happy with their mates and can end up rejecting them. Others have also hit and even kill their mates. We believe that the Moon Goddess makes us complement each other. But it's very much a personal decision, too. It's what V sees in you that makes him really love you, which encourages him to follow through with the bond."

Siel remained silent all throughout Diwa's speech. The female wolf could see that her friend's eyes were not as doubtful as before, so she continued, putting a bit more enthusiasm in her explanations…

"We, the wolves, are lucky enough to have the signs that tell us who this special one is. Those are the tingles, the scent, the sexual pull, along with the enhanced sensations that are almost too much to control. But that's not all. Finding your mate is like finding the place you can call 'Home' because that's where you truly belong. Also, if he is what he is with you, it's because you deserve it. It takes plenty to be the mate of a Pack's higher rank, as your mate, and mine are. It's not just for anyone, really."

"How was it for you, before Aaron? I mean, I remember you told me THAT other 'fake mate' story, but I've seen you so happy with him. I don't know if I've changed as much as you, but you seem… different, Di, and in a good way too. Stronger, more determined, if it was ever possible. And happier, too. Also, I just have to mention, it's amazing that we found our mates almost at the same time! What are the odds…" Siel said while taking another bite of bacon.

"Well, I definitely found the strength I needed to fight my past, so I believe you. And Aaron has changed completely as well. He had decided to stay loyal and faithful from the very first time we met… and well… I'm amazed at him, and I can easily love him for who he is and trust that he would do everything for me. I just wish my brother understood that too," Di finally sighed.

*  * *

"Remember, he's supposed to see us, hubby cat. Just as he enters the Packhouse…"

"No worries, wifey, I got it…"

"HEY! What are you two doing there? How did you get inside my apartment?"

"Oh no… we're busted!"

"Beta, please… let me explain. We really had no choice but to obey him…"

"Him? Wait… let me guess…"

About a quarter of an hour later, Aaron had shooed Myron and Raquel from his apartment and was soon angrily stomping towards the Gamma's living quarters. He knocked loudly, his voice even louder.


*  * *

Let's get back to the dining room…

Diwa loved watching Siel's twins as they made cute noises while speaking their own language. To her delight, Rose and James were especially talkative right now as they enjoyed their breakfast.

"I love their Christmas-y clothes. Remember, I asked you to go to work in matching holiday outfits too and you didn't want to? I almost can't believe you got matching Christmas sweaters for them!"

"Oh, I didn't buy them those," said Siel, slightly blushing.

"What? Then, who? I'm sure it wasn't that asshole ex…"

"Of course not. It was V," Siel said with a heartwarming smile.

"Wow… Well, talking about change!" Diwa exclaimed as they both laughed.

"You know yesterday, V kinda talked about… and then Lena, asked me directly last night… if I'm willing to live here in the Packhouse with my babies."

Diwa swallowed hard. Her mind was suddenly overwhelmed with a realization…

"I'm still unsure. I have my whole life going right now… the new house, a new job… but then… this place is fantastic for the babies… I love to be here, but… Di… Are you ok? You're suddenly so pale."

A very frightening realization.

"Y-yes, I'm fine. I just didn't think about it until now. You know, Aaron being the Beta… he can't exactly leave the Packhouse to live full time anywhere else. We've been seeing each other when he visits my house, but this is the holidays… I know I can come here, but still…"

"So, you don't want to stay here with him?"

"I don't know, it feels too soon. But the problem is that he doesn't know about… What I told you. The thing that happened here that caused me to leave…"

"What!? Oh no, Di… So that's what happened yesterday? And that's what your brother meant?"

"Yes, M knows that I haven't told A, and I'm honestly happy that Aaron didn't ask me what my brother was talking about. But I know it will happen soon. It's not that I think he won't understand, I'm sure he will, but… I put so much effort into building myself after that, trying to forget… It was already so hard to tell you about it… And just staying here has been getting on my nerves… you have no idea how happy I was when I saw you here…"

"You too? I have my reasons for feeling like that, but I thought you'd be more comfortable since your family is here."

"Well, you saw my brother's reaction… And I… do you mind if we just drop the subject, for now, Siel? I'm really not that keen on talking about it right now."

"But of course, no worries, Di."

"SO… if you still want to wear ugly Christmas sweaters, I'm all for it!" Diwa finally said after a brief moment of silence. As Siel laughed, she joined in, but she felt her laughter was a little forced.

Damn it, what if Aaron does ask me? I need to get myself together fast or try to find a way to refuse without upsetting him. I really don't want us fighting over this…

"Excuse me, Di. I think you need to come with me. My hubby already called V… your mate has just gone to your big brother's apartment, and he's really angry…"

Di's thoughts were cut short at the mention of her mate. "Raquel? Oh my God, what happened?"