
Chapter 13

I saw Liam slightly pushed away the woman and glanced on my side. I couldn’t see any emotions from him. I looked at the woman who was still clinging on him too. Like a leech not wanting to be apart from Leven’s skin. Such an eyesore.

If I was the same old Belle. I would be wringing her neck right now for stealing my property. The problem was, he was not even mine in the first place.

“I-I’m sorry,” was the only word that I said before going out and closed the door.

Good job there, Belle. You didn’t let your inner bitch rule you.

I went back to my post and sat on my seat. I felt awful. And I didn’t know why. But one thing that I was certain of, I didn’t like what I saw. I hated it. Gazillion times.

I shook my head and just tried to focus on my work. But what I saw earlier gave me a foul mood.

I looked at the time and we only got five minutes left for the meeting.

The door suddenly opened and I saw Kristoff coming out with the one clinging on his arm. I almost glare at them. I heard the woman giggle, almost making me snort from irritation.

I was about to say something about the meeting but Kristoff suddenly talked.

“The meeting is cancelled. I’m going out. Please cancel my other meeting this afternoon,” he said and then walked out with the woman with him without even waiting for me to talk.

Ugh! Who the hell was that freaking whore? Kristoff cancelled all his meetings just for her? Was she her girlfriend? Ugh! The hell I care!

I was in a bad mood the whole day. Kristoff didn’t come back after leaving in the morning. It was already five in the afternoon and my shift just ended. I decided to go to the mall which was only adjacent to the hotel that I was working at.

I needed to eat sweets to relieve my stress. It was my first day and it was already stressful. The work was not stressful, it was Kristoff himself that was making me stress.

I was about to go to Starbucks Reserve when I saw Kristoff getting out of the coffee shop. I grimaced and retreated. I turned to the other side when suddenly someone bumped me. My shoulder fell on the floor and I almost stumbled.



We both said in unison.

“Belle,” the man said as after he picked my bag. I looked and wanted to groan when I saw the man who bumped into me.

It was Hans. Yeah. What a coincidence right? His name was the same name of Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. The bad guy and Villain of Frozen. And also the bad guy for me in real life.

I just freaking hate her guts. An arrogant and egoistic piece of shit!

“Hans. Thank you,” I said after I took my bag from him.

“Wow! You looked great!” he said, looking at me from head to foot. I really hated the way he looked at me. It was like eye-raping me. Goodness! It disgusted me to the core.

I was really trying to act nice even if I wanted to insult him so badly.

“Thank you. Nice seeing you, Hans but I need to go,” I lied just for me to avoid talking to him.

“Oh come on, Belle. I haven’t seen you for days. Are you alone? Let's hangout. I am free right now. How about going bar hopping with me?” He grinned.

There was no way that I would go with you, fucker.

If I were the same Belle five years ago. I would probably say that just to get rid of him.

“Sorry. I’m with someone.” I gave him a fake smile and I thought he would leave me alone but unfortunately he didn’t. Like what the hell?

“Really? Are you meeting a female friend? Let me tag along.” Oh my god! Seriously? How thick-face he had.

I was starting to get irritated when someone suddenly held my waist.

“Did I keep you waiting?” I shivered when I heard Kristoff’s voice.

“H-huh? Not really?” I looked up and saw him looking at Hans while clenching his jaw.

“Who are you?”

“Oh! Sorry. I thought that she was alone. Nice seeing you again, Belle. Bye,” Hans said and then hurriedly walked away from us.

He thought that I was alone? I told that I’m with someone. Freaking liar.

“Are you okay?” Kristoff asked then let go of me.

“I’m good.”

“Sorry for butting in. I just saw you feeling pissed and uncomfortable towards him.”

“Yeah. Thank you.

“Who is he anyway?”

“None of your business.” You and your smart ass mouth, Belle! Nice.

“Right. I bet he is one of your collections.”

I clenched my fist and gave him a fake smile. “Right. If you say so,” I said and then started to walk away from him.

I would always be that kind of woman that he knew from the past. And it would always be.

“Wait.” I stopped on my track when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I looked at him with a cold expression.

“What do you want?”

“About what happened in the office a while ago—“

“You can kiss every woman that you want. The hell I fucking care.” I pulled my hand from his grip and left him.

Damn this day! Ahhh! I need a lot of sweets to cool myself. I didn’t want to get affected. Who am I anyway for him?

I was just literally someone that he fucked five years ago. The one that he hated the most.

I just realized that you could really fuck someone even if you hated the person the most. It was just pure lust. After all. You would just be using your body for doing it. Not your fucking heart.

My fault. I let my emotion be involved.