
Chapter 3

"Look, who do we have here" Andrew mocked. Andrew's friends are laughing. He pushed Michael Angelo using his pointed fingers unto Michael's forehead.

"The ugly fat nerd boy. Ha! You're no match in me." Andrew cross his arms unto his chest. Meanwhile, Michael didn't bother to say a thing. Instead, he just bow his head as he began to cry.

"Do you want to cry now?" Ivan, one of Andrew's friend mock.

"TSS. Such a cry baby." Jayson acted like his about to cry and rubbed his eyes using his hands. Andrew and other friends are laughing. They always loved to bully Michael Angelo for he didn't bother to fight nor utter a single word to them.

"We've heard, you're engaged to Athena Meredith." Andrew said as a matter of fact.

"Hah! Lucky you.!" Ivan mock.

"Their family just agreed to your engagement because of your money and Athena has no choice about it. She's unlucky to marry an ugly pig like you." Andrew said.

Michael Angelo can't take it anymore. His fist clenched as he is holding to his feelings not to burst his anger from the insults he heard from Andrew and friends. He threw a deadly glare at Andrew as he slammed the table in front of him. Andrew smirked.

"Hah... You are brave now eh? Do you want to fight?!" Andrew pushed Michael hard enough causing him to fall into his chair. Michael kicked Andrew causing him to fall, his friends helped him immediately.

"You bastard!" Annoyed Andrew said. He immediately punched Michael hard enough causing his nose to bleed. His friends said an "aww…" in unison, and they laugh hard as they saw Michael struggling.

"Even if you are engaged to Athena, it doesn't change the fact that your fat and ugly. And you are not suitable to Athena." Andrew firmly said.

"Who are you to say that?" Everyone turned their eyes to the newcomer who's standing in front of the door. Anger is written all over her face as she looked down at the boy when lying on the floor with his nose covered in blood. She clenched her fist as she walked towards Michael.

"Are you okay?" She asked Michael. Her face soften as she caressed his fiancé's face. Michael stopped her by holding her wrist. They stared each other for a minute.

"I'm fine. I can manage this." Michael said and smiled weakly to Athena.

Athena gritted her teeth. "This has to stop" she said firmly.

"Owww… What a sweet couple." Andrew mocked and his friends laughed. "I didn't know you like an ugly pig." He smirked.

Athena immediately stood up and threw a punch on Andrew's face. Not just a simple punch, but an upper cut. The room filled with gasps by the audience who's watching. It's like, they have to watch a movie. Andrew shook his head as he felt a little dizzy.

"Hah! You're no match to me." Athena mock. She then grab Andrew's collar, "That ugly pig you are calling is my fiancé... and My FRIEND!" she shouted. "You are no match to Michael, He is smart, and you are not. He is kind, and you're not, He is handsome inside and out. And you are not. You're just being insecure... You envy him because you are nothing to him. Without your parents wealth, you have nothing but just your poor attitude." She smirked.

" You have nothing to be proud of yourself... You are a useless person." Andrew gritted his teeth.

"How dare you to say that." He said. Athena smirked. She knew that she hurt Andrew by stepping on his ego. " Yes I dare!" she mocked as she raised an eyebrow and stopped laughing at the reaction seen on Andrew. Andrew's face redden because of anger. He pushed Athena and he ran away. His friends followed him. Athena couldn't help but to burst her laugh as she had been suppressing earlier.

She became serious as she turned her gaze to Michael, still sitting on the ground.

"You!" she pointed to Michael. Michael's eyes widened as he saw how mad Athena is.

"Stand up." she said firmly. He immediately followed Athena's order.

"Can't you just...." she close her eyes and sigh heavily. "Can't you fight them back?" she said as she looked into his eyes worriedly.

"I-I did. It j-just that... They are four, and I am alone." he said as he looked down. I know I disappointed you now. He thought.

"Don't make me worry you. Not at all time, I'm here to rescue you." Athena said as she wiped her teary eyes.

"I-I am sorry. Don't worry about me. I can fight them." He tried to hold Athena's hand but stopped. He felt useless. Athena always rescue her whenever he got trouble, and that hurt him the most. He wanted to protect the girl he loves and not the other way around.

He ran away with tears kept falling from his eyes. Furthermore, he immediately got inside the car and ask his driver to drive him home. He wiped his tears away as he was entering inside their house, so that his parents would not notice.

I hate myself for being a looser. He thought. His eyes widened when he entered his house and saw his mother lying on the floor. He immediately ran to where his mother is and kneel.

"Mom! Mom!" He is trying to wake her unconscious mother. "Help us! Help us!" He shouted. The guard outside immediately run inside their house and when he saw Mrs Adelaine unconsciously lying on the floor, he immediately fished his phone from his pocket and call an ambulance. Michael also called his father Mr. Robert who has in a meeting. When the ambulance arrived, they checked the vitals of Mrs Smith and put her in a stretcher.

They hurried to the hospital. Michael, feels weak, and useless. I'm fat, ugly, weak and useless. He said to him self as he punched the wall of the hospital. Mr. Roberts calm him down.

"It's not your fault son. Don't blame yourself." He hugged his son and caress his back.

After a while, the doctor got out and talked to Mr. Robert.

"Mr. Smith, don't worry your wife is okay for now. We just need a series of test to her. She needs to take some rest. And the result will be given to you tomorrow morning." His father nodded and mouthed his thanks to the doctor. They felt a relief when the doctor said that Mrs. Adelaine is now okay. But they are worried about his mother's condition.

"I hope you're fine now mom". He said as he caresses his sleeping mother gently.